six .

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"Annie, please" I heard Hayden constantly shout behind me. I finally gave in, turning around and stopped running. He stopped aswell. Our eyes started into one another's, just like they did inside the building. "W-what h-hayden" i stuttered, obviously intimidated by his height and him. "Please princess I don't want you hating me forever, forgive me" he whispered, not breaking g eye contact. I looked down because I know damn well that if I look anymore deeply into his hazel eyes. "I can't hayden" I muttered loud enough for him to hear me. "Well why not" he whispered a little more loudly. "Because Hayden, you have a fucking girlifriend. You can't just go fuck around with every girl you see!" I snapped, looking back into his eyes, with anger.

We stood there in silence, again, until his lips smashed onto mine and I kissed back without any hesitation. The same sparks, once again, went through my body. My hands clasped his face, whilst his went around my waist. The kiss deepened, before him pulling away, our foreheads resting against one another's. "I still love you"

Hi I felt like updating again so here u go I know it's short but I'm posting a longer chapter tomorrow <3

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