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Ginny: how do harry and Ron get out of these messes?

Hermione: they don't, they create a bigger mess that cancels out the first one.


Lily: why would you give a knife to a child?!

Sirius(babysitting harry): Harry  felt unsafe.

Lily: now I feel unsafe.

Sirius: I'm sorry....

Sirius: Would you like a knife?


Ron: why is your report card on the ceiling?

Hugo: you told me to bring my grades up.



Ron: I did say that, now let me see-


Harry: I can't go stress is bad for the baby.

Ginny: what baby?

Harry: me.


Lily: you don't think I can fight because I'm a girl!

Sirius:I don't think you can fight because your in a wedding dress, for what it's worth I don't think James can fight in that dress either.

James: perhaps not but I would make a radiant bride.

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