Chapter 12

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January 5, 2011 (5:30 pm)

Really... really annoyed with my computer. It won't let me post chapter 11, but I will once I am able to get on my other one. Dur, if computers are so smart, why do they always get viruses and break all the time? This one is ancient and it's stupid! But I have to be nice to it because there is no way I would be able to live with out technology. Just saying... I am not a techno-freak and I do not look like one. I just happen to be good with computers and phones and stuff like that. I think I get it from my dad....

Anyway... enjoy. Voting always helps.


Jace's P.O.V.

The next morning, I woke up with Dani in my arms. I smiled to myself and looked at her. When she slept, she looked peaceful and still beautiful, as always. It was Saturday. Crap. I have a council meeting today.

Council meetings consisted of pack alphas. Today, I was meeting with the Redsin, Wavetty, Castlelog, and Yurama Packs' alphas. They were all pretty calm about the whole territory thing. I liked most of them, except for Redsin alpha. He was just a couple years older than me and very arrogant. His pack wasn't even that strong. They just had a big territory, that he was only able to obtain from inheriting it from his father. Sometimes, I just wanted to put him in my place, but I was new on the job and it wasn't my place yet.

Then, Dani started to stir. I heard her take a deep breath, which she stopped in the middle of. She smelt my scent. When she looked at me, I smiled at her. It took her a moment to remember where she was.

When she did, she just collapsed back on my chest. I chuckled at her. "Tired?"

She groaned and nodded. "Is it time to get up?" she asked pressing closer to me for warmth.

"For me it is," I told her. "I have a council meeting in half an hour," she looked at me and nodded. When she started to get up, I pulled her back down. "You stay here," I told her. "I know you're tired and you should sleep."

"It's fine Jace," she said to me. "Really, I'm okay."

"Please, Dani. For me?" I asked giving her my best puppy-dog face. I must've looked like an idiot.

Dani smiled and put her face in my chest. "Fine, but you need to do something for me," she said.

I was confused. What did she want? Don't get me wrong. I would do anything for her. "What is it?" I asked.

Then she laughed and looked at me. "Never make that face again. Seriously, you look like a pedophile." I laughed with her and wrapped both of my arms tightly around her waist. I pulled her so she was on top of me. When our laughing died down, I was looking at her and she was looking at me. I leaned my face towards her, but she turned away at the last moment.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as she pulled away from me.

"It's okay," she said. "I'm just not-"

"Dani, I understand," I told her as I started to get up. "Don't worry about it." She started to get up also, but I stopped her. "No you promised to sleep," I told her.

She scowled at me and then rolled her eyes. "Fine," she grumbled.

I smiled at her and then leaned closer. "Don't act like you don't like sleeping in my bed."

Again, she rolled her eyes. "Just go to your stupid meeting," she muttered as she pushed me away.

"See you soon," I laughed as I left her alone and went to the meeting. She was so right. It was stupid. Plus over-rated and unnecessary. All packs were at peace and everything was fine. They all thought since I was newest, that I don't know much what is going on. It is even more annoying when Alpha Kane of the Wavetty Pack explained things to me that I already knew. He was very nice and meant well, but I knew what was going on. I just couldn't wait until it was over and I could go see Dani again.

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