🔹It's Fine🔹

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"To curvy... to heavy.."

Blue whispered to herself while stepping off the scale. She had started a "new diet", worse than before. This time it was the "One Week Diet", which Blue planned on doing for quite a bit longer that a week. The "diet" went as so, the person wouldn't eat for 6 days, then at the end of the week they would consume 600 calories. The diet was meant to be done one every two months if needed, but Blue didn't plan to stop.
A sharp pain went through her side causing her to have to quickly catch her balance on the dresser.

"Cmon body... we're at 120. Really, what's a little while longer? We should be fine..."

Blue at this point was starving, most literally. She had broken the diet and hadn't eaten in 7 days. She was close to poofing, but didn't really mind. It was HER fault that she was this big, her fault she had to hurt.


Blue quickly pulled down her sleeves and stepped off the scale, hiding how she truly felt emotionally and how she felt she looked.


"You don't seem very excited."

"Hughhh... What is there to be excited about now?"

"Wha-?? The beach! Remember? It's Stevens birthday?"

"Oh. Nice."

"Are you feeling okay? You were so excited just a couple days ago.."

Yellow came over and kissed Blues forehead, checking her temperature. Blue could feel her face become three tones deeper.

"Oh geez..!"


"You're really warm Blue.. maybe we should stay here..."


Yellow stopped, adjusting her hands to Blue's underarms, sitting her onto the bed and laying Blues head back on the silky soft pillows. Then moving one of her hands to her side while the other slid up to Blues cheek.

"You should go. You can't leave White alone on Earth."

"Spinel's going with her."

"Those two are rambunctious, go. Have a fun day with Steven."

"I'm not leaving you alone."

"Just go have fun Yellow. I'll be fine. I'll be at work anyways."

"You won't be fine, and you won't be going to work. You're accent is thicker, you're burning up and you're pushing me away. The 3 OBVIOUS clues."

"My... accent? What do you mean accent? Do I have an accent?!?!"

Blue covered her mouth quickly as to not talk anymore.

"Yes? You have an Irish accent Blue? Seriously, are you okay?!"

Blue mumbled something along the lines of 'I must sound horrible when I talk', or something very similar to it.

"Blue! Do you hear yourself? I thought we had gotten over this... Do we.. do we need to talk again?"

"N-no! I- I promise. We don't need to talk about it again.."

"Then why are you saying such things.."

"Hey, It's fine. I'm fine. Swear on my gem."

Blue guessed a shattering would be in order then. Yellow sighed, trusting Blue on this. Yellows tone also became softer, as to not hurt Blues ears.

"I.. fine. But I'm not going. I'll be right back with some soup, okay?"

"Mmm.... I-I mean uh, y-you don't have to!"

Why Does It Hurt (depressed!Blue AU)Where stories live. Discover now