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"Blue?! Blue?! Please wake up!"

Yellow shook Blue lightly, tears running down her face. Blue woke her up from her slumber in the hospital, hooked up to machines of all sorts. Needles were seemingly everywhere in her, along with IV's hooked up to both her arms.

"Yellow..? Where am I?"

Yellow choked back a sob.

"W-why would you do that Blue?! Y-you can't just starve yourself and think its fine!"

"Wha.. Yellow? ...Why are you crying?"

Yellow pulls her hands away from Blue now, hot tears running down her face. She seems stressed and worried.

"Why am I crying?! I-if you needed help y-you could've just told me?! You know I care about you Blue!"

"Yellow, it's not that I didn't want to tell you... I just needed to do this for myself!"

Yellows facial expression changed, as she now looked angry and more stressed then before.

"Do what for yourself Blue?! Hurt yourself so you could feel better?!"

Yellow continued to yell and nag at Blue, scolding her and shaming her for her actions.

Then Blue woke up.

She was cuddled up next to Yellow, holding onto her. Their gems were dimly glowing, obviously enjoying each other's embrace and company with each other.
Blue then hesitated for a moment, not sure to get up or not.

"Mm.. Blue..?"

"Oh- Yellow, I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

Yellow let's a small yawn slip through her lips.

"No no, it's fine. My body just decided to wake up."

"Oh- er- you can go back to sleep if you want...?"

"I'm alright Blue, no need to fuss over me sleeping."

Yellow gingerly kisses Blues cheek, being careful not to startle her.


Blue blushed deeply, being only half awake and somewhat confused by the kiss. Yellow too, was blushing a bit.

"I just figured you needed a little something to fully wake you."

Blue let's out a slight chuckles and wraps her arms around Yellows neck.

"You charmer."

It was now Yellows turn to let out a chuckle or two. The two gems had been wrapped up in the blankets together, Blue with a hand on Yellows waist and the other on her gem. Yellow had cuddled up with Blue and was holding her as if she was fragile as a rabbit in the woods.

"I try my best."

Both the gems smile at each other, Blue then deciding to snuggle up to Yellow again and rest there.

"Mind playing with my hair a bit, Yellow?"

Yellow smiles to herself.

"Not at all.."

Yellow begins to floof Blues hair around, running her fingers through it and really just enjoying herself. Yellow then takes Blues hair and hides in it, not able to see because of how much there is.

"Y-yellow?! What are you doing?"

Blue blushes a deep purple, seemingly the same color that was seen in the Willy Wonka movie when Violet was turned to a blueberry.

"I'm hiding."

"F-from what?"

"Dunno, your hair is just really soft."

Blue chuckles and sighs.

"At least you're not in dangerrrrrrr."

"True, I suppose."

Yellow and Blue both chuckle, smiling as they snuggle each other.. just, happy.



yes yes, that one lazy bitch.

anyways here's your chapter, yeah its short but overdue. 

every single time i write it interupts @okaycatradora and I's rp,,,,,


anyways bye guys see ya'll in like fiVE yEArS

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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