c h a p t e r 4

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Alenas POV

Billie and I hugged for what seemed hours. I never wanted to let her go. She smelled so good, I couldn't even describe it. My Billie.

After the show, we went out to eat at a private restaurant to hide form paparazzis. I guess you could say it was a friend-date.

I don't know if I have actual feelings for Billie, or if I just love her so much as a friend, that the thought of us being together doesn't scare me. Maybe I'm just crazy, because Billie wouldn't ever like someone like me, would she?

I'm no good for her. She's famous, has a lot of money, while I'm broke and no one knows me without Billie. She would never look at me like that. Right?

Billie broke me out of my thoughts, "you look so concerned. What are you thinking about?", I froze.

What exactly am I thinking about? A future with her? Being friends with her?

"I really don't know. I guess after all these months, it's crazy meeting you. I'm just overwhelmed with love. "

She smiled, "overwhelming for you? I've practically lost my mind waiting on this moment. And now it's here, and I don't even know what to say to you. But I'm shy in person, over the phone it's a lot easier to be my self. "

I laughed. She's feeling the same way I am.

A wave of relief washed over my body, and I began to relax in my chair. She's my Billie. The same Billie I've talked to for almost 5 months now. She's a normal person to me.

"I don't know why I'm shy, you've practically seen me naked. Anyways, what's Finneas up to? I figured he would come with us. " I replied.

"No, I wanted us to have a time and moment for ourselves. This is a big deal to me, and I want it to go smoothly and as perfect as possible. "  she said.

I began blushing. Am I crazy, or is she hinting that this is a date?

Eventually, Billie and I grew comfortable being in each others presences for the first time. What was I so scared of?


After eating, we decided to head to Billies hotel. I didn't want to go home to my basic hometown in Georgia, and Atlanta is a beautiful place at night.

Billie continued to explain to me her love for Atlanta. She described it so peacefully, so beautifully, as like I have never been here. It made me happy that she found such a rush for my city, maybe she will visit here more often, so that I can see her whenever. I never wanted to leave her.

The thought of me leaving her, made me upset. I didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay here with her forever.

Billie noticed my face dropping, as tears started to form in my eyes.

"Lena what's wrong? Are you okay?" Billie asked with so much concern.

"I'm fine, I just don't want to leave you. I want to be here with you forever. I don't want this night to end"

Billie and I locked eyes, almost like we were thinking and feeling the same thing. Billie placed her hand on my face, gently stroking my tears away with her thumb. She scooted closer, every inch she made, made me nervous.

Billie continued to look at my face, studying my lips, as she was biting her own. I want her to kiss me.

"Can I kiss you?" Billie softly spoke.

My heart dropped to my stomach. Is this real life?


And that was all it took for her to pull me in closer, gently but with so much passion, connecting our lips together.

It was like fireworks set off. Everything you read, and see in the movies were true. The sparks were there, so prominently demanding love.

This has been more than a dream.
Hi ok so I'm a terrible person as well as a terrible writer but IM BACK. Seeing so many people love the story so far has made me so happy. I couldn't ignore it anymore.
My life has been crazy this past year and a half and I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. Forgive me 😩😂 I hope y'all like this chapter. It's kinda short, but it's a start back! Thank y'all for the love 💖

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