Candy in the Woods

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The drive took 5hrs into the new town, Melody Falls, with a population of 6,537 and a forest so vast it matched the blanket of clouds that never left. We finally found the house tucked neatly at the edge connecting to the woods behind. The next house couldn't even be seen, it was that far apart, no one would know if a new family had moved in. But then again, it was a small town and everyone probably knew what went around.

"Chanyeol, can you help your father with the luggage?" my mom called out after we parked in front of the bland looking two-story abode with a white porch and uncut lawn.

"Sure mom, I got it!" I started taking out the bags and carried them in, placing them by the stairs at the center of my new home. It had taken me a couple of trips and by the time I was done, I could already hear my parents arguing about rooms upstairs. The house was cozy inside but suddenly I had no mood to go explore, instead I went out to the backyard to escape the familiar squabbles.

The forest was just beyond the fence. I had always loved nature, it was the only thing I looked forward to in my life of constant moving. I found myself walking towards it, taking in the rich earthly scent of the pine trees, venturing deeper. There was a comfortable morning chill in the air which made me glad I still had on my favorite navy coat.

I had been walking for a while now and thought about heading back but then a soft melody made its way to my ears. Someone was singing in the forest, the voice beautiful and smooth like honey. I wanted to know who it belonged to and tried looking around. I noticed a clearing not too far away and started walking towards it, careful not to trip over roots.

The sun seemed to have managed to shine through the little pockets of the clouds over the area and there were stray rocks of different sizes littered around.

"I can't take no more,
My heart that burned hot like a raging fire,
Has gone out, It went out~"

That voice. It was coming from behind the boulder at the center of the clearing. I started walking in a half-circle, not going nearer but around to see who it was.

"In the memories of us together,
You're not there,
I'm lonely as I wander in search of you~"

There was a boy seated on a large rock below, leaning back on his hands and legs crossed over the end, his head tilted towards the sky and eyes closed with a little smile on his face. I moved closer to see him clearer. My eyes widen at how beautiful he looked under the rays of the sun that lit up his feminine face and made his pinkish hair glow in shades of bright orange, yellow and hot pink. He had on a baby blue sweater which together with his vibrant pink hair made him look like.. "candy."

I realized I spoke out loud and instantly covered my mouth with my hand, hoping he didn't hear me. But it was too late, his eyes opened and his head tilted in my direction, two deep chocolate orbs looking into my soul. I expected him to be upset, I was a stranger staring at him after all, but he just met my gaze with a soft smile.

"Candy?" he asked after a moment, smiling wider.

"A-ah I'm so sorry I d-didn't mean to intrude on you, I was just walking around and kind of got lost" I stuttered. I never did that, what's wrong with me. I felt like face-palming myself.

"It's alright, these woods are easy to get lost in. I'm Baekhyun. What's your name?" he asked sitting up straighter.

"I just moved into town today, I'm Chanyeol" I replied shyly.

"No wonder you look unfamiliar, Nice to meet you Chanyeol, wanna sit with me?" he offered.

"S-sure" I sat beside him on the rock, my heart beating faster in my chest at how close he was.

"What brings you to Melody Falls? It's a pretty small town, we don't usually get visitors too." he had to look up at me with our height difference which just made it harder on me. I could see his pretty lips move and it did things to my insides.

"My d-dad's work needs him to move a lot so I don't usually get a choice but to follow. He has an assignment here this time." I said trying not to sounds too sad but he picked up on it anyway.

"Ah not too happy with it are you? I understand, all that moving and never having a base to call home." I could hear the pity in his voice.

"It's...whatever. My mom doesn't really like it either which causes my parents to always fight and I get stuck in the crossfire without being able to show my feelings." I felt like I had let out too much but when I looked into the shorter's eyes there was only understanding. They held more years than he looked and I didn't regret sharing with this boy I just met.

"I'm sorry, it must have been hard. Don't worry! You'll like Melody Falls I promise, it might be small but it's full of love. Hey, how about I bring you around today?" he jumped up suddenly, getting all excited like a puppy. My lips twitched trying to hold back a smile at this.

"Like my own personal tour guide? Are you asking me out on a date Baekhyun?" I couldn't help but flirt.

"What if I am?" he reached out his hand to me with a grin.

"I'd say yes." I took his hand, my excitement bubbling at being able to spend more time with this bright colorful boy.


Yours truly, CandyWhere stories live. Discover now