Chapter 2¦New Girls In Town

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Rosie and I get to our garage which we have been told looks more like a car dealership. Like I said, we're filthy rich. We don't hide that our parents have money and we never will, it's not like we're insensitive to people who aren't as fortunate as we are but we won't hide where we come from to please other people. We don't have sine kind of 'I wanna make it on my own' desire either. The fact is we're rich and it's something we like. We donate to charity, give back to the community, do fundraising for hospitals, churches, funeral homes, orphanages etc. And we are able to do all that and more because we come from where we do.

Rosie and I decided to take the limo today. Our bodyguards/ drivers sit in the front while we take the back.

"So, how's it going girls?" asks Seth, one of our bodyguards.

"Oh you know, going to a new school where we probably won't make any friends because everyone wants in with us for fame. Nothing new." I reply sarcastically.

Seth nods and looks over to Luke, his best friend and our other bodyguard. Luke is assigned to Rose, while Seth is assigned to me. They are both 23 years old and have been protecting us from about eight months ago. We've gotten pretty close and they're hilarious and make a good team. Sometimes I forget that they're trained soldiers.

"Rough." Seth says. He normally says that when he has no idea what to say.

"Tell me about it," Rosie and I say simultaneously.

The rest of the ride is quite besides Seth and Luke quitely bickering in the front.

I really hope this school doesn't suck, I did not come all the way from France to be disappointed by the people here. That would just be bloody fantastic, wouldn't it?

"We're here!" Luke exclaims,

Rosie and I look at each other, mentally giving one another a pep-talk. You're beautiful, you're bold you're unique and you're my sister.

That was what I said to Rosie at our first ballet recital. She was so nervous and after I said those words, she immediately squared her shoulders, put her chin up and plastered a determined smile on her face. It's been our motto ever since.

As childish as it may be, it's a reassurance of sorts. To remind us that we are the bosses of us.

Seth steps out of the car and opens the door for me while Luke does the same for Rosie. Seth gives me his hand and I place mine in it as he helps me out the car. I can feel eyes on Rosie and I before I even look up. It's always been like this, being the children of a diamond mine owner, an iconic fashion designer and model and  grandchildren of two politicians. Like I said, fortunate.

The school is huge, the building is so big it looks almost intimidating. I don't understand why it's so big if there are only 785 students here. I'm sure they have so much useless space, which is why dad was able to get us a huge room where Rosie and I will go when we need some alone time, people can be a bit much sometimes, and it also helps that the, Black family is one of this school's biggest investors  so there's that.

Rose and I walk together, towards the school gates. Confidence is oozing from every pore in our bodies, I see Seth and Luke behind us out of the corner of my eye, they look so professional in their black suits, coms and sunglasses.

The whispers have already started, I hear them talking about how rich we are, where our family comes from, how so of the guys would like to tap that ass. Boys are so vile, not that I'm an innocent baby or anything but I swear they all just want to stick their dick in something.

As soon as we pass the gates, there are more people, staring, talking. I hate it.

We're in the hallway now and people are standing by their lockers, some just walking, others making out, but as soon as we step in, people stop. They start parting like the red sea, everyone just moves, and like that, Rose and I walk until we get to our lockers.

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