Part 3-Veronica's Birthday

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Veronica's Pov

It's been a few days since I moved in the Cooper house, Alice has been really nice to me but Betty on the other hand hasn't been so comforting, every time I get near she rolls her eyes and walks away, did I do something to her?

Today is my birthday, it doesn't feel the same without my parents, I told Alice if she could cancel the party but she insisted, saying it would make her feel better and be a good distraction. I get out of bed, I've been staying in their attic, it's small and I couldn't fit a lot of my things in it but I did appreciate Alice. But Betty hasn't been making my time here any easier, she's been giving subtle hints she doesn't like me, maybe she just needs time adjusting?

I head downstairs and see Betty and Alice in the kitchen, I greet them good morning and place a pancake on my plate, "Good morning to you, Veronica, we have a bug day planned today so I'm gonna need you to eat quickly so we can decorate the hall" Alice says and I smile and nod, I know it was supposed to be a surprise party but I told Alice I knew because my parents couldn't keep it very subtle.

Alice leaves the kitchen and some part of me didn't want her to leave so I wouldn't be alone with Betty, an awkward silence fills the air and I think it's time to cut it out, "Hey B, I was wonderin-"she cuts me off by getting in my face, "One, don't ever call me B again, or even Betts, actually don't even say my name. I am NOT your friend Veronica Lodge, nor will I ever be. You act like this goody two shoes when you're really just a brat, I HATE YOU! It should've been you who died", she takes her cup of orange juice and spills it all over and walks away. I couldn't react, yes it was freezing but that's not what I was worried about, Betty hates me? What have I ever done to her?

All my emotions come pouring out of me and I begin to cry, I stay like this for a few minutes but get and head to my room. I take a shower and wash my hair, the orange juice caused it to be sticky and hard. I put on a black skirt with a white and black striped short sleeve shirt, I put on creme colored converse and a light denim jean jacket. I put my hair in two French braids, I get into Alice's car. "Where's Betty?" I ask, not wanting to encounter her again after our incident this morning, "Oh she decided to stay, didn't want to drag us along" she says and adds a light laugh. How can someone as sweet as Alice give birth to that horrible human being. I nod and get into the front seat, we do some quick more party errands, we decorate the hall with some help from Betty's dad, Hal, he seemed nice but something about him screamed.. psycho.

We finished quicker than I expected, I look at the two extra invitations I have in my pouch, one for Nurse Gladys and Doctor Fred (the elder doctor), "Hey Alice, I was wondering if we can drop by to the hospital, I wanna give some friends of mine an invitation" I ask and she nods, I smile and get into the car.

"Hey Gladys, hey Fred!" I say excitedly and hand them their invitations, "These are for you, I'm inviting you to my party", Gladys smile and turn to see Fred and he looks upset, "Doctor Fred? What's wrong?" I ask getting closer to him, "I would love to come Veronica, but I have a shift tonight" he says sadly and I smile, "It's okay Fred, I'll bring you some cake next time I visit" I say and he smiles back and nods. I've been coming to the hospital all week, it was nice to be around friendly faces, not that Alice wasn't nice. I put the invitation in my purse, "See you tonight, Gladys!" I yell heading towards the door of the hospital.

Later that night

It was almost time for me to get dressed but Alice knocks on my door, I tell her to come in and she's carrying a box, she hands it to me and I give her a confused look. "This is the dress your parents wanted you wear, I know they're look down at you right now and I know they would love to see you in this, so please wear it.. for me and them" she says and begins to cry, I hide my want to cry too and hug her, I see Betty glaring at me from the hall way and I back away from Alice. "No crying tonight, we're going to have fun, okay?" I say and she nods. I open the box and it reveals a beautiful and elegant navy blue long dress, it was really beautiful, "Wow, it's beautiful" I say pressing it against my body to see how it would look, I walk towards a mirror and it went perfectly with my black hair, "You look just like your mother, so beautiful, the dresses goes perfect with you, it screams "Veronica" Alice says and I laugh, it true, my mother is beautiful and I love to grow up just like her, she was kind and caring, she was important to every one in this small town. A tear streams down my face, I really miss them..

I wipe my tear away before Alice can notice, I put the dress and it was even more beautiful. Alice did curls on my hair and said I should I should wear make-up but I said no because what 12 year old would be wearing make-up (no disrespect just #truffs). Instead I just put lip gloss, I put on some white sandals, and we go to the backyard to take pictures. As we're about to leave I see a ginger boy sitting in a tree house next door, I wave at him and he waves back, he starts to climb off the tree and unlocks his gate to walk over to me. "Hi, I'm Archie, I just moved here 2 weeks ago, my dad got a promotion so we had to leave home" he says to, I reach out my hand to give him a handshake, "Hey, I'm Veronica, my parents recently died and I'm living with an old friend"I say back to him, he was cute. "I'm sorry about your parents dying, you don't deserve that but I am pretty glad we get to be neighbors, now I get to see you more" he says and I smile and agree. I think of the invitation in my pouch and take it to hand it to him, "Today's my birthday party, I didn't really want to have one but I know my parents would've wanted me to celebrate my day and I had this invitation left and well, would you like to go? We can both use a new friend at our age right now" I say, he takes the invitation, "Of course I'll be there, see you in a few hours", I nod and place a kiss on his cheek, "See you soon archiekins" I say and he blushes and walks back into the house.

A few hours later

I get back home, exhausted, I had one of the best parties ever, I had no idea who anyone is so I just stood with Archie and Gladys and we made it a memorable night. I got to know more about Archie, he's like my bestie now. I change out my clothes and slip into bed, I shoot Archie a good night text and head off to be. Maybe things won't be so bad after all.. just maybe.


A/N I finally updated this story after only focusing on my suite life one😂but enjoy! Jughead is coming in soon so don't worry!

(1364 words)


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