Chapter 3:

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I turned to face Rain, seeing she was blushing.
"See you around, Harry." She kissed my cheek softly, gave Hermione a fierce and dirty look, and walked off.
"What were you doing with her?" Hermione asked after she left, blushing scarlet.
"I... Why would you care, we're not even dating?" I asked. Those were the wrong words, she faced me and said,
"I just wanted to...See you later." She had tears swelling in her eyes.
She stormed away, looking angry, but I heard her sobs from down the hall.
Why am I such an idiot? I love Hermione!
"Idiot!" I kept muttering to myself as I walked to our room.
"You aren't an idiot." I hear a voice say from behind me.
It was Rain.
"How did you know I was coming here?" I asked really startled.
"I know you, Harry."
She walked closer to me.
"I-Rain-," I was cut off once again by her leaning in close, and her soft lips touching mine. I heard wolf-whistles all around me, Rain's kisses were warm and inviting, and I liked that about them. I let go and smirked at Rain.
"Come eat lunch with me?" She asked.
"Sure." I replied. I grabbed her hand and started walking with her,
"Rain, I'll be right back, I forgot something in my room." I remembered.
"Okay." She said.
I walked off, hoping Hermione would get over herself.

Hermione's POV:
Ugh. Why was he so cute. I just wanted to punch that girl square in the face.
I walked by the room and of course, he was kissing her!
I ran down to the Great Hall, flushed and angry, and saw her standing right there, waiting for someone.
"Hey!" I blurted.
"Hello." She greeted with venom.
She was so much prettier than me, which made me hate her even more.
Silent tears were now pouring down my face, as I knew she didn't deserve Harry.
"Aw, wished Harry Potter like you?" She mocked.
I walked up to her and made my face so I could see her at her closest.
"Listen, you arrogant toe rag!" I started, "You need to think about dating him, because-because-he's mine!" I blushed so hard, it came out louder than I wanted it too.

Right then, when I screamed, Harry came running down the Hall.
"Ra-" he started and saw me after a moment.
"Hermione, I-" and I walked away, I didn't want to hear anymore. Am I being stubborn?
Oh, why did I walk away, he's just so, wow. I got up to our room and threw my bag down and put my head in my hands, miserable.
I wanted him, and only him.
I wanted to die, he probably hates me now. I was so mean, and he doesn't even like me back.

I felt weak, lately I have been feeling like I was going to pass out any minute.
The other day, actually, I was walking to dinner and I was so dizzy I fell against the wall. I just wanted to die at the moment. I had no one now.
I bet if I told him how I felt, he would hate me, even if he didn't hate me now, he would hate me then.

I walked over to the bathroom and washed my eyes, I looked in the mirror and they were all red and puffy. He was getting to me, honestly. I didn't think I could do much better than him ever right now.
I heard sudden loud footsteps echoing through the hall, and I wanted to know who it was, and walked out of the bathroom.
People came in, masked.
They ran in and grabbed me by the waist.
"Someone! Harry!" I called, it was no hope. They pinned me against the wall.
"What's your name?" One of the guys asked.
"H-Hermione, Hermione Granger." I stated.
"We've got a Mudblood here." The guy called to his gang.
They all chuckled and stared.
"Why, you are the prettiest and dirtiest Mudblood yet, why don't we see how dirty your blood really is?" He asked.
"Please, no-" he pulled out a dagger, and slid it across my arm.
"Arghh!" I screamed.
I saw someone come through the door.
"Harry!" I called.
The man threw me to the side, and I pulled myself into a sitting position.I wanted to stay awake, but they wanted different.
"Crucio!" Five of them yelled to me at once.
A huge pain swelled inside me. I screamed, piercing and echoing it throughout the hall,
"Hermione!" Harry yelled.
"Crucio!" They yelled at him, and he fell down,
"Impedimenta! Reducto! Stupefy!" He kept yelling.
I guessed I zoned out, once I was sort of conscious one more person yelled,
"Crucio!" I screamed again.
It was pain like when Bellatrix had tortured me, it was excruciating.
Finally, all the men were fallen and on the ground.
"Hermione!" Harry yelled.
My vision blurred,
"Harry..." I said.
Everything went black, as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

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