Couldnt Think of a Title

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-this Episode will still be placed in Washington. i don't own any of the pictures, Videos, or Characters used. Thanks for reading. Enjoy-

Liana's Pov:
i had just woken up with pain all over me. i tried to get up or at least move but it was difficult. after trying for a few minutes, i had only managed to turnover and there i saw what i hoped wasn't a dream. Ian was sleeping next to me on the floor. i moved towards him the best i could but had a rush out pain down my arms and stomach. "ARGH!" i screamed in pain waking Ian from his slumber. he jumped up in a fighting stance and yelled "WHAT HAPPENED!?" he turned around and saw me curled in a ball shaking. "Liana?! what's wrong?" he asked and i replied with "it hurts... everything hurts... please help me..." next thing i heard was him typing on his phone. "don't worry, i'm looking for where the nearest hospital is." he explained and had a face of glee as he found a hospital 2 miles north from us. he then started to mess with his watch, but i started to blackout from the pain. last thing i saw was a flash of green light then everything went black.

Ian's Pov:
i dialed up SoundBreaker and slammed down on the watch. After the transformation i picked up Liana and sped to the door, but as i was about to leave i saw someone i did think i'd see for a long time... "GWEN?!?!" i screamed confused as to why she is here next to the stairs with a pissed yet happy face. "you- i- how-... later! right now i need to get her to the hospital. you stay here and when i get back you and i will have a nice long chat as to why and how you here. got it?" i ask and she replied with "fine, but you will have to tell me who the hell she is!" i ignored that last part as i ran as fast as i could to the hospital. once i got there after 3 minutes of running the watch timed out. i then ran inside and asked for help. a doctor came and checked her out then asked "what happened to her?" i responded with a serious but scared look "her foster father beat her and left her like this on the streets." he then asked a nurse to take her to the ER to have her checked out. he then told me to go wait in the waiting room while they checked on her. i did as he said and sat down next to an older women. i waited for two hours until the doctor came back a said something that made me pissed as hell "i'm sorry, young man, but your friend has many Broken bones, internal bleeding throughout her body, and that seems to have many of her organs missing. how she is still alive is a miracle it's self. i suggest you go into the room she is in and spend the last moments she may have with you." he then showed me a room with her whole body hooked up to tons of machine's and her body covered in wire's and tubes. i entered the room and he closed the door behind me. all i heard while in there was a faint beeping noise. i continued to walk over to her a sat in a chair next to her. i saw she was unconscious during this. i was glad too, then she didn't have to be in pain and i started to cry. i then began to speak "h-hey l-l-liana... *hic* i w-wa-wanted to s-s-see *sniff* if y-you were o-o-ok, b-b-but it seems y-y-y- *hic* your not!" i grabbed her hand and put my head on her bed wishing this was a nightmare that i'd wake up from. i then burst out crying not holding back exclaiming "PLEASE! just one more time! i just want to hear your voice one more time! Please...." i kept crying for 5 more minutes.... "DAMAGED DNA FOUND" i heard this but i didn't see anyone other than me and liana. "HYBRID APPOPLEXIAN DNA DETECTED. REPAIR SEQUENCE ENGAGED. STAND BY." i heard that voice again, it kinda sounded like upgrade, and saw the watch's dial turn from green to yellow and start turning like crazy. i started to get a little scared as to what was happening. the dial then stopped and i heard the voice again but it came from the watch saying "DNA REPAIR MODE ENGAGED: USER MUST ACTIVATE APPOPLEXIAN BIO-FORM TO APPLY NEEDED AID TO BROKEN DNA. CAUTION: IF THIS IS DONE USER WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACTIVATE OMNITRIX FUNCTION'S FOR THREE MOONS." i was curious as to what it meant but i didn't care if it meant liana could live. so i looked and saw rath's shadow every time i turned the dial. so i gently slammed the dial on the watch but Liana was the one engulfed in light instead of me. the light wouldn't disappear for 10 minutes. after it finally died down all the damage, scars, and the medical things that were inside her were removed from her body. now she was sleeping at peace without any pain. now i was shedding tears of joy squeezing her hand hoping she was ok. the door then flung open with the doctors rushing in because the heart monitor flatlined. i didn't pay them any mind as they were shocked seeing that she was no longer covered in scars and that the tubes were removed with out causing her to bleed out let alone bleed at all. they wanted to examine her but they decided to do that the next day, so she has the time to rest and recover her strength. i left the hospital leaving her a note on the side of her bed for her to read. after leaving the hospital i tried to use the watch but sadly it was in red. i was force to walk the way back to Liana's house.

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