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August 9, 1925



The Klan's disturbing intentions parading through the streets of the Nation's capital



Though without their symbolic masks, a chilling display of an estimated 30,000-35,000 white-robed men descended yesterday in Washington, D.C. to demonstrate their power and principles.

The Klan swept Pennsylvania Avenue with their shadows while forming letter K's and crosses visible from the sky. They also brought along American flags, suggesting their morals being their vision for the country.

Bonded by the racism they walk shoulder to shoulder as they plague the streets with their white sheets.

Founded in 1865, Tennessee, this so-called 'invisible empire' has accrued 4 million members and is at the peak of its power and rumored to be dominating the Democratic National Convention. Last year during one of the meetings, George Gov. Clifford Walker said that he will "Build a wall of steel" against immigrants. The intention of this march is obvious. It is a hate parade.

The march is headed by L.A Mueller, Kleagle of Washington, who apparently submitted the application for the parade permit and approved by Superintendent of Police Hesse who he approved this march since the Klan has agreed to abandon the concealing and pointed hood.

They have booked 18 trains for their march, even hotels in the area are booked by several white hooded supremacists. Shops and stands were quickly sold out of stock by a large number of people buying necessities. The Klan even went as far as bringing their own ambulance to the march.

The Klansmen marched for over three hours, reaching the Monument grounds for their speeches only to be met by a heavy downpour. This terrestrial downpour may as well have a symbol of God's anger towards these ignorant souls.

"Don't leave." Mueller announced over the crowd "God won't let it rain".

But the rain kept going and pouring, stopping the demonstration. This left people with no choice but to go back home. Thus ending this horrific exhibit of hate and racism.

Bystanders watched in either horror or disgrace as they saw the klan pass by. "It's appalling... That march. It's like a never-ending nightmare that seemed to replay itself." An onlooker says. "Never have I seen such a disturbing march." He continued.

State attorney, Macon Burns, commented on the situation saying "A disgrace to America. I can't conceive the idea or purpose of this absurd act. Not only does this shame our country but is a sin in the eyes of God. Shameful!"

An anonymous bystander speaks out saying "As a black person, that march is traumatizing. I already don't feel safe sleeping at night and now this. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm scared. For me and for my family. For every one that the Klan targets. Looking at the number of people wearing those horrific sheets, marching through the streets, and even going pass by my home will forever be embedded in my mind."

This is the first time the klan has willingly gone out and revealed, not only their faces but also their true spiteful nature. Their beliefs and morals are disagreeable and what will cause our Nation's history to be tainted.

News is spreading that another march might be taking place but it is uncertain as to when this might happen. With their growing population, we will never know when these white supremacists will strike again, spreading all their unwanted hatred through the streets and bringing shame to our Nation.

We can only pray that those so-called 'nativists' will open their eyes and see that perhaps integration might be the only way to unite this nation, making it stronger.

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