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I sat in a chair as my prep team swarmed around me to make me presentable for Snow's party. As they perfected my hair I stared at the engagement ring on my finger. It was a gorgeous ring. It didn't look like anything made for the Capital. The ring supported a diamond in the shape of a tear drop and then a light blue and a sea green gemstone next to the diamond shaped like hearts. Light blue and sea green for Cato and I's eye color. Cato was very good a picking out jewelry and making it meaningful.

With all the stressful, horrible things going on with my life I was actually happy for once. Being with Cato even though Finnick is always hovering near by made me happier then ever since I was separated from him at the end of the games.

"All done."

I stood from the chair and looked at myself in the mirror. I was put into a floor length dark green gown and my hair was done up in an elaborate bun, that I know Cato will try to undo by the end of the night because he prefers for my hair to be down.

I turned as the door opened and Finnick walked in. He was dressed in a dark blue suit and he looked really uncomfortable. The door closed behind him and he leaned against the wall and rubbed his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked and walked towards him.

"Yeah." He said and lowered his hands to fix his jacket. "Just tired and ready to leave the Capital."

I wish I could something about the prostitution that Snow puts him through. Finnick still doesn't know they know about the prostitution and if he did he wouldn't talk about it. He doesn't even talk about it with Mags.

"Why don't you just sleep." I suggest and grabbed his hand. "Do you really need to be a this party?"

"Yes, I need to go. I can sleep once we get back to Four." He said and smiled at me. "Let's go. You can't be late for the party you are to be honored at."

He pulled me from the room and down the hallway. He was still holding my hand so with my free hand I picked up the front of my dress as not to trip over. Cato stood at the end of the hallway and once we got to him Finnick dropped my hand as Cato smiled at me.

"The party is going to be long and lots of people will want to talk with you." Finnick said as he adjusted Cato's tie. "So, please stick with each other, at least try to. Also if some asks to dance and they are dressed horrifically do not turn them down. Also-" he said turning to me. "Be nice to everyone. No rude comments or bursts of anger. Be good."

I scrunched my nose at him as Cato grabbed my hand. Finnick kissed my cheek and patted Cato on the shoulder and then he turned and walked away.

"After this we party in District 2" Cato said and kissed me as the doors opened in front of us and music  and cheering sounded and Cato lead me down the stairs into Snow's mansion.

"Do you want to get some fresh air?" Cato whispered in my ear and slipped his arm around my waist as he sat is drink down on the table. "Nobody with see us leave. We can get some alone time. Finnick is distracted by Brutus right now."

"It's snowing out and I don't know where my coat went." I whispered back as Cato pulled me away from the table and into a empty hall that muffled the loud music and rowdy partiers.

"You can borrow my suit jacket." He said and slipped it off and placed it on my shoulders. "The Victor's Village isn't far from here."

I pushed a door open and cold wind blew in and I grabbed his arm and leaned against him. He was always unusually warm.

Snow fell heavily in District 2 as Cato lead the way to his house under the street lamps. Nobody was out walking around, due to most either being at the party or at home to be out of the snow.

"Should we really be leaving the party?" I asked and looked back at the building.

"Most everyone is drunk. Nobody is going to know we left, except maybe your brother once he escapes from drunk Brutus, which will be a feat if he does."

"Did you purposely send Finnick to Brutus?" I asked and looked up at him as we walked into Victor's Village.

"Yes." Cato said and smirked at me. "I wanted some alone time with you. He's been hovering too much around us."

"Well," I said and pinched his arm. "I told you we'd get caught that night on the train."

"It was worth it." He said and picked me up as he walked up his porch steps and threw the door opened.

He shut the door with his foot and walked to his living room. I was dropped onto his couch as he moved towards the fireplace and started a fire. He then joined me on the couch by laying on me.

"This is very comfortable." I said as his fingers began to pull the pins holding my hair up.

"I'm very comfortable." He said as his hands left my hair and he pushed the dress up my legs as his lips went to my neck. My dress was pushed up to my waist as his lips moved to my own and my fingers slipped into his hair.

"I love you." He said and kissed my forehead as he spread my legs. "I love you."

"I love you, Cato." I said and kissed his neck as his hands rested on my thighs.

I began to unbutton his shirt and then began to remove his belt, but his hands stopped me and I looked up at him and furrowed my brow at him.

"Don't." He said and I drew my hands back and looked away from him.

"I thought-" I began but the cut me off by grabbing my chin and turned me to look at him.

"I didn't mean it that way. I do, I do want to have sex. I just don't want anyone walking in on us." He said and kissed me. "So, I just plan on fingering you."

He smirked as his lips went back to my neck and his hand travelled down my body and slipped under my underwear. He slowly slipped two fingers in me and I hissed because his fingers were slightly cold. I gave a small moan as he began to move his fingers and his lips moved to my collarbone.

My hands went to his hair as he began to move his fingers faster and more moans fell from my lips. I could feel him smirk against my collarbone

"I love you moans." He said and smirked at me as pounding sounded on the door and yelled followed.

Sorry that the update took so long. I'm a junior in college and right now talking all my major classes and the pandemic is not really helping make things easier. But thank you to all the comment on my stories I love reading the comments and glad that you all like the book.

Hope everyone is being safe!

Again sorry about the long wait for this chapter. I try to post more frequently.

Thanks ❤️

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