Chapter 2

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You could feel the gentle warmth of the sun through your window, causing you to smile at the streams light that stretched across the surface of your bed. You straighten your back, feeling the shirt rise a bit higher up your scarred thighs. Luckily, it was so big that it still covered your panties.

You slowly get to your feet and shuffle to the door,  pushing it open quietly. You listen to the pitter patter of your feet against the hardwood floors with pride as you trot through the hallway to go see your new master.

"Uh, master Jack?" You call out. Jack flinches and looks at your (size) figure. "What?" He responds coldly. "May I have your scraps?" You ask politely. Jack tilts his head in confusion. Scraps? Does she mean food? "Um. All I have is kidneys. You can try one if you want but I doubt you'll enjoy it" He chuckles.

Jack sits up and walks to the kitchen, leading you with him. He opens the white box known as a fridge and hands you a jar with a meat in it. "Here. You can eat this." He mumbles. You smile and nod.

You reach your hand inside the jar and grab the kidney eagerly, trying to remember the last time you ate. While this is happening, Jack is watching, surprised you would actually eat a kidney. You take a bite out of the organ, savoring the juices of the tender flesh. You finish up your meal and turn to Jack with a grin. "Thank you master. It was delicious!" You praise.

You hear Jack chuckle under his mask. "Have you never had a normal meal before?" He questions. "Not really... Ma- I mean father on occasion fed me scraps, but never a meal..." You explain through mumbles.

"You can eat those from now on then." He claims. "Thank you Master." You bow. He nods, then walks away.

"You are not to leave the house, there is food in the fridge, and you can take a shower in the bathroom across from your room. If you do anything that would upset me, you will be punished." Jack growls.

Your face drops, remembering what your punishments were like with your father. "Y-Yes Master" You stumble. "Like I said, you can call me Jack." He mutters, as he opens the door and walks out.

  You had to admit, he was way better than your father. He seemed almost, nice to you. He fed you, he bandaged you and he let you take showers on your own. He was the nicest person you had ever met. Which, to be fair, was only about eight to ten people. You wanted to make him happy. You wanted to please him.

  You began to pick the garbage off the floor, and neaten the objects around you. You were extra careful not to nudge anything to the edge, or break anything.You went in the fridge and organized the kidneys by size and date, which was labeled on each jar.

  You then went into the bathroom, where you stripped yourself of Jack's T-shirt and your panties. You stepped into the shower, feeling the warm trickle of the water run down all your curves and crevices. The droplets dragging across your bruised and tense muscles soothed them to a great extent, and you couldn't help but sigh in relief at the relaxing experience.

  "Y/n. I'm back." You hear Jack call. You quickly shut off the shower and slip back on your previous clothing. "Coming Master Jack!" You say, scrambling out into the living room. "I see you cleaned." He says, looking around the now spotless room. "And the meals are organized in the fridge by size and date." You beam. It felt so odd to you, saying the word meal, and being so excited to talk to your master, but you liked this type of odd. It made you feel warm.

  "Good job. There is going to be some company for a couple minutes, so I need you to behave." Jack states, his mask practically glaring into your soul. "Yes Master Jack!" You respond, smiling wider.

And, as if on queue, a loud knock makes itself present on the door. Instinctively, you plop down onto the hardwood floor, kneeled with you palms flat against you thighs, and your head kept down. You can feel his gaze stay suited on you as Jack walks to let whoever was there inside. You snuck a glance up hesitantly, seeing a few unique looking people crowd into the living room and look at you curiously. Mistaking their looks as anger, your head shot back down to focus on your lap, tears pooling at the edge of your lash-line.

"Uh, Jack? Who's this half naked lady crouched on the ground on the verge of crying?" A civilized sounding voice questions. You freeze, realizing you were supposed to be behaving, and you were absolutely positive, crying was not considered behaving. "I apologize! Please forgive my mistake." You blink away the wetness that had formed in your eyes, and try to grasp onto some emotional stability.

"...Is she one of your victims? And I'm asking this specifically so I don't assume the kinky alternative" Another voice inquires. "Jesus, BEN, I rescued her, she was in a basement for a long amount of time and doesn't really understand social interactions yet." Jack groans, his hand grasping his mask in frustration.

"Damn, I'm a serial killer, and even I think that's fucked up." A deeper voice mumbles. "Is she okay? I can see some pretty nasty injuries and scars on her" A feminine voice butts in. "She was running away from her father, I think he had been beating her for however long she had been in that basement" Jack explains carefully. You could hear his footsteps slowly shuffling towards you, so you shakily raised you head to greet him.

"So, she's like a pet?" a gravelly voice pitches in. Jack's blue mask peers down at you from above, his fixated glare burning through your own puffy eyes. "Shut up, Jeff. Stop judging her situation, and just go back to scratching your balls." Another woman snaps. The click of her heels pull your stare to her instead of Jack, who had scooted his way to stand beside you. She had long, silky black hair and a porcelain white mask with black paint creating the lips and eyes. She kneels down to look at you face to face, and the close proximity makes you quiver in fear as she thoroughly examines you and your cuts.

"Lulu, come over here. I think she has that trauma response Dr.Smiley was talking about." The other female steps over to you, but you panic, seeing the blood and gore of her eye-sockets being completely empty and exposed. Tears being to well up again, this time they flow down the rounds of your cheeks and get soaked up by the bandage your father had placed there. "Don't be afraid. She won't hurt you." Jack states. You use the back of your palm to wipe away your previous distress and lean you head against Jack's leg slightly. "With everything she's been through it could be anything. This reaction she has towards Jack though, does seem like a trauma response of some sort." Lulu ponders.

"I'll get Dr.Smiley check her out sometime then, but we really should get going, we have a spree to go on, and lots of houses to hit. Slendy's orders." You hear a multitude of agreeing hums and mumbles, and then you feel the movement of Jack's leg as he steps away to the door to let people out.

"I'll be back soon, you should get some rest. I'll change your bandages when I get home. I would eat something too if I were you." The slight affectionate tone Jack held made your eyes light up as you rise to you feet. "Yes Master Jack! I'll get your rest place ready too then." He gave no response, he only stared back and nodded.

And boy, did that mean the world to you.

Word Count:1361

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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