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A/n: changed it up a bit and added some more serious notes. TW, physical abuse

Your life had always been tinged with sadness, it was always present and nearly brought you to the edge. There were a few points where you had been the highest you'd ever felt, and you owed it all to one particular man...

Rain. It roared down on the roof of the house you sat in. Your shoulders shook as your face had slowly crumpled into pain, shock and confusion. Is this what betrayal felt like? What a silly question, of course it was. This wasn't the first time nor would it be the last. Shaking it off you hurriedly packed all your shit in small boxes. All your clothes, your hygiene essentials, everything that was easy to get away with. You didn't know when he would be back, but it was better to throw everything in the car as soon as possible. This was your last round of checking you packed everything, all the boxes were packed and ready. Leaving was the next thing until you heard his damned voice.

"Babe, wait-" He reached out to you with a guilty look on his face. You leaned away from him as he stepped closer, more and more excuses flying out from his mouth. "Shut the fuck up! I dont care that all those times were a mistake, I don't care that you fucked them in our bed, I'm fed up with your cheating and lying to me!" Hot tears burned your eyes as you screamed at him, your clenched fists trembled as you watched his shocked expression. His face darkened and in a rage he flung himself at you, pinning you down and slapping your face over and over again. His fists landed on your body a few times, the wind was knocked out of your lungs repeatedly. You gasped for air yet his firm hold on your neck restrained any form of relief. Spots danced in your vision as you felt your life slipping away. In some form of a miracle the bastard was wrenched off of you, tumbling into a far corner of the room and crashing into the sharp edges of the furniture. You didn't ask any question and instead wheezed at the oxygen filling your deprived lungs and nearly crushed windpipe. Adrenaline kicked in and you pushed yourself off the floor with a primal need to get away from him.

You grabbed your keys from the table beforehand, your phone was fully charged and your cable was in your car. Without another word ir even a second glance you sprinted out of your shared apartment and embraced the feeling of instant cold. Frigid droplets pelted your face and soaked your clothes, you didn't give a fuck when you hopped into your car and drove off. Your tires skidded recklessly against the sodden asphalt, you didn't know where you were headed but anywhere away from him was good enough.

As all troubled adults do you found your way to one of the classier bars in the city. With a bitter smile you killed the engine and sat there for a few minutes, resting your head on the steering wheel. After steeling your nerves and (somewhat) fixing your distraught appearance you set foot into the building. Immediately your ears were greeted with rough music and the heavy smell of alcohol. You smiled sardonically upon entering and leaned up against the bar.

The bartender gave you a quick once over with a knowing look. "What can I get for ya?"

"Get me a fruity gin and tonic, yeah?" You waved at some of the options on the menu in blatant despair.

The bartender asked no further questions and prepared your drink, handing it off to you and you wandered to table under the neon signs in an alcove of sorts. Drink after drink you slowly lost your grip on reality. There wasn't much for you to hold on to in the first place. Moving halfway across the world to Italy had estranged you from your family, all your friends you had made were originally your exes' friends, hell you didn't work because of college, he had been the money maker so you could study.

Your head sank onto the table top in defeat, everything in you felt hollow and empty. You quietly sniffled and fought back tears as you ordered another gin and tonic, somewhere in the back of your mind you figured it would have been a wiser decision to open a tab.

Your eyes trailed a tall figure approaching you, pulling the chair out across from you and sitting down unceremoniously as he took a swig from his drink. His eyes caught yours, a magical and enticing ombre of pale yellow in the light and a deep purple in shadow.

"Does this bother you?" He asked halfheartedly. His tone matched your mood and you shook your head. Fuck it, if he felt like you did then he could be good company.

"Nah, feel free to stay." You nursed your drink and downed it again, setting down the empty glass and staring at it longingly.

The stranger nodded in understanding and downed his drink in breakneck speed to join you in the depths of drunken misery. "How many of those have you had?" He asked casually, his attempts at making meaningless conversation to numb the pain were welcoming.

"Mmn 'bout five. Whattabout you?" You slurred somewhat, noticing how gorgeous his long hair was. He looked like a fallen angel of sorts, all black clothing and dark makeup to contrast his pale skin. You dragged a wry chuckle out of him at your serious expression.
"Not as many as you, that's for certain."

You laughed at his sassy retort and waved him off. "Ehhh 'S not that bad. I could be worse. I could beeeee like that guy." You stalled until you found somebody passed out against the wall. The man followed your pointed finger and met the mess of a man crumpled against the stylized bricks and snickered.

"Alright you got me with that one. What's your name anyway?" He asked nonchalantly as he downed his second drink in your presence.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know?" You teased and earned and indignant pout from him. "I'm messin with you, it's (y/n). What's yours?"

He snorted at your fun and tapped the table absentmindedly. "Leone."

You tried it out on your lips, it felt like it belonged there. "Leone... I like it. Makes mine sound almost lame." You jested and flicked a drop of water from your cup's condensation at him.

Leone rolled his eyes good naturedly. "Pfft nah, I like your name. It's cute actually."

You laughed at his compliment and thanked him, staring into your empty cup. Leone took notice of this and stared at you a bit before speaking again.

"What're you here for?"

His forwardness caught you off guard and ripped you from your thoughts. "I- what do you mean?"

He shrugged and rested his chin in his hand. "People don't usually come to this bar for a positive experience."

You smirked and nodded at his assumption. "That's fair. I guess I'm here to drink and forget. Irresponsibly numb some new pain for a while before I wander off and come back to do it all again."

His eyes widened at your explanation, if someone had asked him to phrase his reasoning it would essentially be the same as yours.

"Damn, that was kinda poetic. I get it though, I'm doing the same thing." He grimaced at the end, almost like he remembered something halfway through.

You nodded and ordered another drink, Leone soon following suit. The two of you got to chatting as to why you were here and soon enough you were a sniffling mess at the disaster that was your new life.

Leone took your hand and looked into your weeping eyes for a while, the (e/c) orbs sparkling likes gems under the neon lights. "(Y/n), I get it. And I know whatever I tell you won't do much. But I know that I can help irresponsibly numb the pain for a while."

You rubbed your face with the back of your free hand and tried to pick apart his offer in your drunk mind. Some messy therapy sex sounded really good right about now. Against your better and would-be sober judgement, you agreed to it.

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