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A/n: trigger warning, gore and really heavy angst ahead. You know by the cover that I couldn't just let this lad have a happy ending💔

Leone Abbacchio. He's your everything, the one that immediately clicked with you through feelings of similar despair and slight self hatred. He's the calm during a storm, the strong wall that would do their best to shield you. He's the sassy reminder that it's okay to indulge every once in a while, the one who excels at looking put together in everyday life. His determination to heal you and help you forget has moved you beyond words. His surprising gentleness with your shattered self was what you needed all along. He had given you every part of him to show how much he adored you. He's the passionate lover that you grew to love. And by God you loved him with all your heart.

And he felt the same way about you. You had been a stranger when he saw you that night in the bar, someone who held the heavy aura of regret and melancholia. Your gentle tone had drawn him in, so coated with sadness. He couldn't have helped to wonder what you sounded like when you were happy. Your eyes shimmered whenever he said something clever, the leftover tears shone like diamonds in the neon lights. Your face fell when you mentioned your misfortune, your body had curled in on itself at the memory. It broke Leone inside, what kind of monster could hurt such a kind and tender creature as you?
It was with resolve he decided to take you far away from the man that scarred you, figuratively and literally. You had awakened something in him that he hadn't dared to express in a long time.

And so, how was one to react at their loved one falling lifeless before their eyes? How was one to cope with the immediate wash of cold shock and the feeling of utter helplessness? How was one to handle the expectation of continuing on without the reason for their existence? Your heart had frozen at the sight of him, a corpse with a hole through it.

How beautifully his blood poured from that evil wound. Deep wine red, like the liquid he had so adored. Shreds of black leather, broken bits of gold, and his snow white hair slowly became soiled by that offensive crimson. It slowly overtook every part of his countenance, his once warm skin growing frigid to your shaking hands. You should have screamed, cried, searched for help. Yet you did nothing. All that precious time that could have been saved, all that time that could have been spent beseeching Giorno to heal him when it was fresh, all that time that could have saved your lover...

But the slow pooling of that damned blood had entranced your eyes. The longer you stared at it the colder you felt, your own body heat seeming to leave at his loss of vitality. Your mind had gone blank to any actions you may have done, to any words you may have said or any other sights you could have seen. Your eyes were glued to those once gorgeous and bright eyes of his. They had been mesmerizing, golden in the light and amethyst in shadow. Those eyes had spent hours at a time looking at you, treasuring you, loving you, telling you everything was going to be okay. They had searched the very depths of your soul and brought out your most hidden insecurities and laid them bare for him to dissect and fix.

Those once warm lips that whispered so many lovely things to you would never move again, they would never kiss you or turn into that lopsided smile he so stubbornly refused to show anyone but you.

Your whole body was shaking, the bile rose to your throat as you realized that this was what was left of Leone. He was never going to come back, and you couldn't help but feel this was all your fault.

If only you had stayed closer to him. If only you hadn't looked away. If only you hadn't been so kind hearted to help that child. If only you had noticed it sooner. If only if only if only...

Dimly you were aware of multiple sets of footsteps, all rushing to your side. Shouts of panic and concern sounded around you but you heard nothing except the slow pulsing of your own blood. Someone was screaming, crying and begging. Why couldn't you bring yourself to do the same? There was more angry shouting, until it fell silent for a few moments. Slowly the sounds of anguish could be heard, and somewhere in your mind you had found it in yourself to recognize the hurt in Narancia's voice.

Someone's hand firmly rested on your shoulder, the squeeze brought you back somewhat. Your eyes tore away from the remains of your lover and stared lifelessly into a set of glistening aquamarine. "(Y/n), it's time to go." His soft voice was barely a hoarse whisper, his grip tightened at the mention of leaving. He was fighting back tears as best as he could, and you felt such loathing for feeling numb.

"Giorno..." Your throat felt raw as if you had been screaming, but how could you have when you hadn't uttered a word prior? The blonde's carefully crafted mask of strength slowly dissolved as you stared at him. You felt so empty, so heavy, when had you become so covered in Leone's blood? "Giorno, if only I hadn't been so careless..." Your voice cracked with bitterness and the boy crumpled to his knees in front of you. His arms wrapped around your shoulders in a tight embrace, as if trying to put you back together. "If only I hadn't turned away... it's all my fault." You droned on, your own voice sounded small and distant in your brain. Giorno's shoulders shook as he sobbed for you, rocking back and forth and gently shushing you. "I couldn't think, everything is just so-"

"Shh shhhh, it's alright (Y/n). Everything's going to be okay. It's not your fault." He sounded so broken, so unconvinced. Nothing in the world could have fixed you in that moment, not even Giorno.

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