Chapter 2: Murder Monkeys (Cierra's POV)

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I stumbled a little, falling out of the portal. After regaining my senses, I looked at my surroundings. I was back in the hotel, and I could hear the chattering of monkeys in the elevators. I felt my side for the pouch, it was still there. I sighed gratefully, I can only imagine what Malak would do if I lost it.

I walked over to the elevator, pressing the button. The chattering monkeys got louder, making me shiver slightly just thinking what their claws could do.

The light ding of the elevator snapped me out of my thoughts, and I nervously mumbled something, stepping inside of it. The doors closed by themselves, making me jump a little. I heard Malak giggle because of that, and I rolled my eyes.

The elevator doors opened, and I took a deep breath, stepping out.

The ring barrier was still there, but it wouldn't glow up like usual. I reached into the pouch, pulling out a handful of shards, and started walking around the halls, dropping the shards along the way.

After a little while, I heard running, and the chattering and winding sound the monkeys made. I cussed myself out and started running, dropping the shards behind me as I ran.

The footsteps were getting louder, and I knew there wasn't going to be any second chances.

Pain shot through my body as the monkey slashed my back, blood pooling out of the wound. The shock made me collapse to the ground, lying on my stomach in pain.

After laying there for a couple of seconds, I wondered why I wasn't dead yet, then I heard Malak laugh.

"I'm not gonna let the monsters kill you, that would break the point of the deal" He explained

I groaned and struggled to get up. I think the monkey was either trying to help or just wanted to hurry the process of me getting up, because the next thing I knew, both claws were under my arms, trying to lift me. It didn't help, as the claws cut into my side, blood sliding down its claws.

I kicked the creature away, running off again, still throwing the shards behind me. It was a little harder, as the underside of my arms were numb from the pain.

I remembered that there was supposed to be two monkeys, and I wondered where it was. The other one seemed to be slower, or the adrenaline was making me faster than it, but I was outrunning it for a while.

I was almost finished throwing the shards down, it seemed the monkey had stopped chasing me or was just trying to find me. My clothes were soaked with blood and had tears and rips in them.

I finally placed the last shard down, then heard a small giggle.

"Nicley done mortal, now head back," Malak said.

I sighed, tying the pouch on my jean again, then started running through the slim hallways.

I managed to make it back to the elevator without running into the monkey again. The moment I was in the elevator with the doors closed, I sat down, catching my breath.

When the elevator stopped, I forced myself onto my feet, getting ready to run back to the portal.

But when the doors opened, I didn't hear anything, no monkeys, no stomping, nothing.

I cautiously walked back to the portal, wondering if it's supposed to be like this.

"Press the little bell." I heard Malak say

"What?" I asked, looking around.

"At the front desk, press the bell a couple of times."

I sighed but obliged, pressing the bell a couple of times.

After a while, a small cardboard cutout of a butler monkey popped up, but it looked less demonic, and a little happier. I smiled, then giggled, letting out a small laugh.

I headed back to the portal, jumping through it.

Malak was waiting for me, he was lighting up a cigar.

Seeing the scars, he kneeled in front of me. He flicked the lighter open, running the flame across the scratch under my left arm. I cried out in pain, pushing the lighter away from the scratch.

"Calm down, I don't know much about mortals, I'm trying to help." he snapped

He gently lifted my arm up, gently running the lighter across the scar, castrating it. He did the same to the other two scratches.

"Thanks," I said. They still hurt, and they were still obviously there, but it was better than having them continue to bleed.

"Elementary Evil is next. Ready for another one?" Malak gestured to the portal with Agatha on it.

"Yeah...I'll get on it." I snapped at him, getting off the floor.

I stared at the portal for a long moment, before walking through, ready for another nightmare.

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