Assembling the team

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"Psst! Kaminari!! Wake up!!"

"W-what? Todoroki!??!?! What are you doing in my dorm, it's 3:40 am!!!!"

"Just meat me in my dorm with Sero, Mina, and Kirishima"

"Uh, ok..."

-7 minutes later-


"Oh great, you're here, come in quickly"

The Bakusquad minus Bakugo looked at eachother, confussed, before noding at eachother and entering the dorm room. They had never seen the icy-hot teen act like this before, and were quiet curious to what the normally quiet boy could want from the kids known to be some of the roudiest in the school.

"Todoroki, what do you need us for, and why so early?"

"Oh, sorry Mina, I apologize for the short notice, and for not explaining things a head of time."

Todoroki took a deap breath before closing the door and starting his explanation.

"You see, years ago, before Toya ran away, me and my siblings used to play a game. Of course, my father doesn't know about the game because it sort of resolved around him. He tends to lose his personal items very easily, or at least that's what he beleives. In truth though, me and my siblings used to play a game were we saw who could take the most of his things and hide them without him noticing."

At this point, they had all moved to sit in a circle on the floor, and the Bakusquad were surprised that someone as stoick as Todoroki would do such a thing.

Confussed, Sero spoke up.

"Ok, but where is this going Todoroki, and how does this include us?"

"You'll see, I'm getting there"

"Ok, sorry for interupting you bro"

"It's fine Sero, I understand that you're probably all very confused right now."

The teen cleared his throught, and continued talking.

"So, as I was saying, we would see who could hide the most of his things, and at the end of the day, we'd take them out of their hiding spots to see who had sucessfully hid the most objects. As we continued to play the game, we got better and better at it, and one day, Toya managed to steal his wallet. At the time, we were all exited that he managed to take it without him noticing, but soon, we realized the full extent of what we could do. So, we changed the game. Now we had a new goal, see who could get the most of his credit cards without him noticing"

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