A New Addition To The Team

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Todoroki opened the door to see a conserned Jirou wearing PJs and bunny slippers.

Jirou was shocked to see Todoroki open the door with ash all over his clothes and face, and his normally neat hair sticking up all over the place like Bakugo's.

"Are you ok Todoroi? I heard screaming, and you look like you went headfirst into one of Bakugo's explosions!!!!!"

"I'm alright, Kaminari just accidently shocked us with his quirk. I apollogize for waking you up though, and thank you for your consern."

Jirou gave him a quizical look, moving to try and look around him.

"Kaminari's in there" What are you two doing up this early?"

"I was asking for his assistance in a plan I have, would you like to join us?"

The ravenette hesitated for a moment, before curiosity got the best of her, and she agreed to his offer.

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