World's Best Tutor

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A/N: PLEASE READ: HEY GUYS! Okay so before anyone attacks me I would like to make a DISCLAIMER. So in this story I briefly go over the events of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Now the dilemma is Micheal Buckley kinda came up with his own version of AMND for the Sisters Grimm. Big difference is, Puck and Mustardseed are brothers and Titania and Oberon are their parents according to Buckley. I went to see the show and we did a whole unit on it a few years ago in school and I can sadly say that, that was not actually the case. From what I remember Mustardseed was kinda irrelevant and was one of Titania's servants, (along with Moth?) (Moth was also the name of like this company maybe idk?? Don't quote me I saw it 3 years ago😗✌️). I do CLEARLY remember that Puck was Oberon's servant NOT son. Making every single one of Puck's "I'm royalty" lines in SG a lie. #childhood-ruined. ANYWAYS I just wanted to say I did my best to kinda mesh what Buckley made up with Shakespeare and it was quite confusing lol. Don't come attack me in the comments abt that portion of this please and thank you. 🧚🏻‍♀️✨❤️❤️ If anyone took the time to read this please feel free to answer my question abt Moth's role in the real play cuz I can't remember for the life of me I just know she was irrelevant. Thanks Lovies❤️

Sabrina- 15
Puck- Looks 15
Daphne- 11
Red- looks 11
Their school is for everafters in Ferryport. Puck still travels with Uncle Jake, but recieves work from the teachers at the school. I didn't have the heart to keep Briar dead so she's alive. SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG💕

Sabrina's POV

  "I don't think I've ever hated a woman more than THAT one in my entire life." I seethed glaring at my English teacher. "Nut job! Totally mucho nuts!" I continued, using my little sister's lingo. I blew a strand of curly blonde hair from my face in frustration, and slammed my locker shut. I looked down at the book in my hands with complete and utter disgust.

  "What are you reading in class?" Red asked. The quiet girl stood with my sister, Daphne who was looking at the clock impatiently, waiting for the bell to grant her freedom.

    "Oh it's just some boring book! You've never heard of it you probably won't-" I was fumbling with the ancient book trying to keep Daphne from seeing it and flipping her lid. "Hey are you wearing my lip-gloss!?" I accused Daphne, trying to change the subject.

   "Nice try!" Daphne laughed and yanked the book away from me. The preteen took one look at the title and burst out laughing. "NO WAY!" She wheezed trying to catch her breath, "This is TOO good!"
I snarled at her and snatched the book back. The bell boomed and I stormed off to the car.

      My mom was waiting in the car with a big smile on her face. She picked us up from school everyday on her way back from her job in Faerie. Still not very happy about the idea of my mother spending all day helping people like Puck. I aggressively swung my backpack into the front seat and slammed the silver car door. My mom opened her mouth to say something to me but Daphne stopped her.

"I wouldn't Mom. She's in a mood." Daphne informed her.

  My Mom nodded at her and the turned her focus to the road. I whipped around to face my sister and the infamous Little Red Riding Hood in the backseat.

   "Am not!" I snapped at her. Daphne stuck her tongue out at me and rolled down her window. She waved to Ms. White, her teacher, and a close family friend of ours more commonly known as Snow White. She then turned her attention back to me.

Puckabrina Oneshots and other crap idkWhere stories live. Discover now