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...a white ceiling. I had always wanted to say that. It's the classic line that the main characters say once they wake up from fainting or whatnot. Based on the cold air and chemical smell, I was most likely in the hospital. I looked around and the bright lights made my head spin, had I really hit my head that bad? It hurt like hell.

To my right, I saw a sleeping Griffin holding my hand, how cliche. But it wasn't like I didn't like it, it made me feel treasured. How long had he been with me? How long had I been out? I used my left hand to push some rogue hairs away from his face. His black hair felt as if it hadn't been washed in a few days and didn't exactly smell like roses, but strangely I found that I didn't care. I continued to pet him like a cat as I felt at peace.

Would he agree to be my therapy dog? Because this is really relaxing.

After I pet him to my heart's content, I reluctantly used one knuckle to knock on his head.

"Hey, Griff, wake up."

His eyes squeezed together for a second, clearly unwilling to wake up. I felt a little bad, as he looked like he hadn't had proper rest in a while. But I needed to get a doctor or something so I knew what was wrong with me. As I was about to knock on his head a second time, Nora and her friends came tearing through the door. Nora led the pack and seemed to trip on air as she faceplanted onto the floor. The rest of the group followed after tripping on her sprawled out limbs.

Only John and Eliza were unharmed as they stood at the entranceway looking in opposite directions. John sighed lightly and unceremoniously kicked his brother's arm out of the way as he made his way into the room. Eliza followed after him, delicately managing to step in the gaps of limbs.


Jack glared at Nora.

"Is that all you have to say?! What did you trip on, air?!! I landed on my elbow!"

Their voices gradually raised and I was scared they were going to wake Griffin up. Ironic, as that was what I was about to do. All of the ruckus also made my head hurt. I struggled to control my annoyance and urge to throw them all out of the window. But it was too high for them to survive and I wasn't in the mood to go to prison, so I made sure to keep my face perfectly stoic and keep a lid on my emotions.

"Can you guys shut up?"

John glared at them and said coldly. They all realized where they were and scrambled up to their feet. They obediently lined up and looked down at the floor, their heads dropping in shame. Eliza sighed lightly as she touched her forehead.

"Hey Raven, whose this handsome guy?"

Jack was the first to recover as he made his way over to me. He was about to touch him when I slapped his hand away. My annoyance was reaching its peak and I was not in the mood for this rambunctious group. Why were they here in the first place? Jack looked at me with wide eyes as I spoke as calmly and as politely as possible.

"Stop, he hasn't had much rest and is exhausted. Him not waking up from your commotion should have been proof enough. I thank you all for coming to see me after only knowing me for a day, and I appreciate the sentiment, but I would like to be left alone right now as my head hurts and I do not feel well."

John and Eliza looked at me sheepishly and glared at the rest of the group that was noisy. Jack looked like he was reflecting and Nora had tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry about making all of this noise, we only wanted to check up on you because we were worried. It seems like we made you feel worse though," John said. Eliza chimed in afterward.

"Since you look okay and we are being more of a nuisance than anything, we'll be taking our leave now."

Everybody shuffled out of the door and Nora was the last one in the room.

"Make sure you keep me updated and talk to me, Raven! I'll see you at work!"

She smiled and waved at me, before turning on her heel and walking out the door with the others. Before she was out of earshot, I remembered what I was going to ask them and called out to her. She turned around and looked at me expectantly.

"Can you get the doctor please?"

She seemed a bit disappointed but still nodded her head and disappeared. I lied down onto the pillows and bed. Wishing I was in my own bed with my soft sheets and pillows. I thought back to what I could remember.

I was walking out of the bar, waiting for Griffin to pick me up. Then I saw the girl being harassed and borderline raped and stepped in. I hit my head once on the brick and then ran away before I tripped again and then lost consciousness. 

I felt good about what I had done, and given the chance, I would have done it again. But I did not feel good physically right now. My head hurt and I felt nauseous.

The door opened and I looked over to see an old woman with gentle green eyes and brown hair tied into a bun with a white doctor coat on. She smiled at me, which made her crowd's feet at the corner of her eyes more prominent.

"I've heard about what you've done, a brave soul indeed. You should be proud of what you've done. That girl you saved came by and checked on you while you were asleep. Youths these days are so willful."

I was surprised about what I'd heard. This much had been done while I was out? How long had I been unconscious? The doctor seemed to understand my unspoken questions and answered them.

"Miss Sensaker, you have been unconscious for about a month now. You hit your head quite hard and we feared that it would cause permanent brain damage. Luckily, our doctors are efficient and quick and we were able to prevent any permanent damage from occurring."

The doctor turned her eyes to Griffin and I immediately wanted to blindfold her so that she couldn't look at him. Only I was allowed. What if she took him away from me? What if she harbored any ulterior motives? It made sense, Griffin was just perfect, who would be able to resist? I kept doing deeper and deeper into my black hole but what she said next made me relax.

"And this young man was by your side every minute he could. He refused to leave your side and only after convincing him that you probably wouldn't want to see him dirty and smelly would he reluctantly go back home to shower and get a change of clothes. Even then he immediately would rush back and would never take more than 20 minutes. He was so sweet, which is why when I found he had-"

She widened her eyes for a second but quickly reverted back to her usual gentle face. She never finished the sentence as she changed the topic quickly and began to talk professionally. I was confused as to why she cut herself off, yet irritated that she had no intention of completing it.

After checking up on me and making sure I was stable, she then told me I would stay for another few days and then I would be released. I smiled in gratitude and watched her leave the room.

By now, the sun was setting and I was tired from all of the stimulus and fell back asleep.

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