Previously on 'Steal Your Girl'
"Oh, where is your friend? Maybe you would like to join us." Miku offered.
"Really? Is that alright?"
"Yeah sure."
Zero Two smiled widely but it wasn't pleasant.
"Come over." She waved someone over and stepping out from behind the pillar was a girl about our age with long wavy light brown hair.
She walked over and I returned her friendly smile only to realise the air around us was definitely not right.
I turned to look at Miku and sure enough, she does not look happy at all. It was a mixture of anger, sadness, confusion, and guilt. Her hands were hidden under the table and her eyes were on the empty table in front of her.
"Miku? Are you okay?" I asked.
She gulped and looked up at me shortly before turning her face to the other female.
"Kokoro, nice to see you again."
"Oh, you two know each other?" I asked, genuinely curious. Everyone around me seemed to know what's going on and I'm here feeling like a lost child.
This was awkward. We shifted seats a little, currently Zero Two and her friend, Kokoro it seems was her name, sat down opposite of us.
I swallowed, no one was talking, does that mean I have to be the one who talked? Gosh, this situation was just getting worse and worse. The gears in my head were turning trying to formulate some sort of plan to lighten this tense atmosphere.
"So, what shall we get?" Zero Two swooped in, flipping through the given menu, right as I was about to come up with something barely intelligent to say, thank you for being the social one.
No one replied to her.
"Hmmm, this turkey sandwich looks amazing." She seemed plainly oblivious to the situation around her or maybe she was just as awkward as I was.
"It's been a while, Miku. How have you been?" The girl's voice was light and soft, it was soothing like a lullaby.
Miku doesn't say a word.
"Zero-Two..?" I muttered, trying to get some sort of answer for this strange situation.
"Why?" The voice was strangled, horse, barely heard. I turned to look at Miku, my girlfriend. Her face was as red as her hair and I swore I saw a tear rolled down her cheek but she swiftly wiped it away before titling her head up to look towards Zero Two, my best friend, ex-love, whoever she is to me.
"Miku..?" I muttered.
"Answer me, Zero-Two. Why?" Her voice strained, teeth clenched. She didn't sound angry, just hurt, pain.
I glanced over at the female sitting opposite of me, her pink her framing her face nicely, her fingers gripped the menu fiercely.
"You are making a scene." Zero-Two spat with disgust I have never heard come from her in the past.
"I'm the one making a scene?" Miku rebutted.
"Miku, Zero-Two, please stop this," Kokoro muttered weakly. At least she is trying to do something, while I am just sitting here looking like a lost puppy left in the middle of town.
The silence stretched. Glares and worried eyes being thrown around.
"Could some please explain what is going on here!" I finally managed to get the words past my lips. I shifted my gaze from one to another and back again, pleading someone to answer me.

Steal Your Girl (Zero Two X female Reader)
Fanfic[AU] You and Zero Two have always been best friends but even best friends have secrets. You have one too, one related to her but how are you ever going to tell her that you like her when she just got together with the boy she has been chasing. Noth...