The worst flight ever

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MI6 flight 2168

Ben's POV 

We just entered a plane that is owned by MI6 and when we entered we found our selves in a plane which has 6 bedrooms so each of us get a room!!! 


I woke up in my room to hear a sound that sounded familiar. I came out and saw bullets everywhere and then I saw What I had not wanted. MISSILES. 

And then Catherine said "We are being attacked by a Organisation please wear parachutes under your seats." So I went and wore my parachutes but I had no experience in it so Erica helped. And then we both came out with the others with parachutes on and slowly gliding towards are destination but just to secure our landing me and Erica had to apart. And when I landed it turned out I had landed on a tree and at that moment I checked my head to find a very deep cut on my head and then the world slowly faded and I said "Erica" And then I passed out.

???? POV 


"Sir we have a new recruit"

" Nice" I said 

"Is It someone Very capable" I said 

" Yes sir"

" He or She" I said 

"She sir"

" Nice"

And that is a wrap

Please tell if anyone has a problem in saving their work because My internet is fast but still sometimes it takes a lot of time to save but anyways This is your update 

Until then 

AgentBen1612 out!! 😅😅😅😅hmmm

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