Chapter 9

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"So do you want to adopt the baby? Or see if Shadow could use any of his magic so I could get pregnant?" Red asked happily.

"Red, I want a baby to. But don't you think we should finish high school first? Whatever happened to you wanting to be a teacher?" Said Blue.

Reds expression saddened. "Oh."

Blue sighed. "Red, I don't mean to sound like an asshole. I really don't. But I just don't want us to struggle and have you give up your dreams."

Red started to cry. Shit.

"Red baby don't cry." Blue took Red into his arms. "I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to make you cry I just.."

"You didn't make me cry Blue. It's just... Life ruins everything. It's the hardest thing there is."

Blue petted Reds head.  Blue sighed.

"I'm afraid you're right baby. Nobody wrote on your birth certificate that life was easy. Decisions have to be made. All the time."

"I want nothing more than to hold our baby in our arms." Red sobbed.

"I know. I just want us to get by."

Red cried against Blues chest for a while. Blue would rub Reds back and stroke his hair. The man in red didn't understand why life had to be so hard. Nobody did.

"Red," Blue said after awhile. "If you really want a baby, then I'll raise it with you."

Reds eyes lit up. "You will?"

"Of course I will! I love you for gods sakes."

Red happily kissed Blue. His smile nearly touched his pointed ears. Blue could tell that Red was happier than he had ever been.

"So did you want to adopt or get pregnant?" Blue asked.

"I think it'll be better to adopt the baby so it'll have a loving home."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Blue said kissing Reds cheek.

Meanwhile in Shadow room Shadow took deep breaths to avoid his contractions. Vio soon entered the room with the bowl of fruit salad Shadow was craving for. Vio placed a hand on his lovers stomach and the pain soon went away.

"I swear they like you more than me." Shadow glared.

Vio chuckled as he handed Shadow the bowl. Shadow had been doing nothing but watching Disney movies all day. Disney was Shadows favorite. Along with horror movies but Shadow didn't think it was a good idea to watch those while pregnant. Shadow sang along to Paint with all the colors of the wind. Shadow had a beautiful singing voice. Vio would record Shadow when he wasn't looking. Vio smiled as Shadow sang.

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