Ghost Story

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Imma just write the story real quick.
This a true story if u don't believe me, ask Jace.

Okay about a month ago Jace, our older brother and I were playing video games together in the living room. We have two living rooms, one next to the other, and a door that separates them. Anyway the other living room light was shut off all the way, and the light switch is pretty hard, So U have to give it a good push to turn it on or turn it off.

So the that light out of a sudden turns on. We turn around we are like what the fuck. We were the only 3 in the house.

All three of us got up and went to see and we found nothing. We turn the light off again and we turn around to go back to play and before we sit down the light turns back on. That's when my heart drops.

Jace was like what the fuck Whats happening he goes to the switch and sees thats it pulled up O.O (that means someone actually pushed the switch up to turn the light on)
We were so effing scared. I called my mom and started freaking out 😂😭 she was like get out now someone must be in there.

MY older brother shut off the light again and we stood right in front of the light switch watching it and 2 minutes later it went up slowly and it turned on. and below the switch we saw red eyes. Just red eyes

We freaked the fuck out.

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