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Names, Characters, Place, Incidents, Jokes and Bussiness are product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously any resemblance to actual or locales or persons, living is entirely coincidental.This story is connected to Sochaeie123095 story, The lies beneath us


Eunmin's POV

"Ate let's go!"

"Im coming!" Ate said, We're going to the park, near our house, mommy said it's okay to go there but we can't go further.

"Ate push!" I said because my feet can't reach the floor so i can't swing by myself, she push me harshly so i landed on mars, Joke!we saw a 2 boys running, they looked rich. How lucky. One fell on the ground "Oh!" Ate said and run toward the tall boy so i follow her.

"Are you okay?" ate asked the tall boy and touch him but he refuse.

"Im ok, i know how to treat my wounds" he said and got a handkerchief from his pocket and a small bottle with a water inside.

"Ate don't talk to him mommy said don't talk to stranger diba?"  I said while pulling her hand "And hes also mean"  i whisper to her ears, she chuckled. I feel like someone is staring at me so a look around, i saw a man wearing black jeans and white polo shirt with leather jacket staring at us when i look at him he look away, weird. Then i saw the other boy, he somewhat looks like a bunny. Right! Then why is he staring at me? Do i have a dirt in my face?

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Nothing" he said while looking away

"What's your name?" I ask him

"Me?" I nod

"Uhmmm, my name is Banana milk. What's yours?"

"Ooo sounds yummy! Im Eu-"

"Her name is Amethyst" ate suddenly slapped the back of my head which made me tear a bit. "waaaah! That hurts!"

"Dont do that to her!" Banana boy shouted, pulling ate away.

Ate pushed him away too, resulting a banana boy who landed on the ground "Shaddap bunny!" Ate said while shouting, her eyes gets bigger she looked like an owl. The banana boy just rolled his eyes at her and get up.

"Here wipe your tears" he said while giving me his handkerchief, i accepted it shyly

"Yah! Don't be lovey dovey! This girl here is punching me- Yah! Stop it!" The tall boy said, i just laugh while looking at him. He's trying to avoid ate's punch but he can't.

The banana boy invites me to play a little cou'z mommy will be mad if we play longer.

"let's go, it's getting late!" Ate said. I waive to banana boy while saying ba- bye, i saw him whisper something but i can't hear it so i just ignore it.

I hope, I can see you next time


The Truth Beneath Us { Jeon Jungkook }Where stories live. Discover now