❇The job ❇

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Fiddling with my keys in my door I felt a buzzing on my thigh then suddenly "oi OI OI ue ni agarya kankei nee" my ring tone was blasting loudly.

I took it out of my pocket and saw it was tosh!

"H-hey what's up you tosh?" You said in a wonky voice

My cheeks immediately became dusted with crimson red

"NO NO I mean- UH you know what I mean" you face palmed.

He let out a heart laugh through the phone

"I see you still have the same sense of humour (Y/N)" he said in a deep voice

Ah he must be in all might form

"Aaannnyyyways why are you calling?" you said

"Oh is was just checking if you for back home safe from your walk that's all" he said growing quieter as he spoke

"Oh that's very sweet of you tosh"I said with a smile growing on my face as I walk upstairs to my bedroom

"Sorry I must go im actually training a student at the moment but I hope to see you soon as you will be going to the interview" he said in a rush

"Oh I'm not actually sur-" I said

"OMG ITS ALL MIGHT! AH SORRY ( Y/N) I MUST TALK TO YOU LATER ON BYEE!" he said while spamming the end call button

Ha crazy fans

I walked up to my bedroom,flopping onto my bed

I looked at my phone and saw a message from an unknown number

It read: Hello miss (L/N)! I'm texting you to inform you that after some thoughtful consideration we have decided to offer you a job as a teaching assistant at UA. Please text me or another member of staff whether you will be able to take on this role.


You frantically start fan girl screaming and naruto running around your room.

"OMG! YES I'M SO UP FOR THIS! Especially since tosh works there too it would be great to spend some more time with him.

You quickly replied accepting the offer. Nezu later sent you the details of what class and time

"What am i going to wear?" You said to yourself while looking through your closer

Well I mean this is nice...

You then placed it on your dresser and continued on with your day,making dinner,watching some tv and then reading a fanfic before bed.

|| n e x t   m o r n i n g ||


you sighed and slapped your alarm clock, flopping out of bed doing your usual morning routine

||time skip brought to you by todoroki's ranch dressing||

I had to get there earlier to avoid the crowd of the students.

So the text said I'm supposed to go to class 1A to meet the staff apparently

I wondered around the school for a bit until I found the big doors of 1A

Gosh what kind of giants go to this school

As I was about to open the door I heard muffled voices

"YEAAHH tosh when are ya gonna invite the chick to karaoke night,I've seen the way you look at her"a loud voice boomed

Must be present mic. Heh.

" I will.I will...just the right time" tosh whispered

I could feel he was a bit uncomfortable so I opened the door

"Mornin everyone!" I said trying to not sound suspicious

" Ah morning (Y/N) " tosh said not turning around

He s probably giving him a death glare after what he said

"Uhm (Y/N) I-i was wondering if you wanted to come with me and some other staff to a karaoke night after school?" He said looking down at the floor

awee that's cute.I kinda wanna tease him while he's in this state

"Of course tosh! I would love to!" I said winking at him

His cheeks immediately turned a bright red and looked awe struck at what I just did

"(Y-/N)!"he stuttered struggling to maintain eye contact

" yess tosh~" I said sitting at one of desks

"I'm only joking! and yes I would love to"

Present mic started to wiggle his eyebrows at us

The students started to file in the classroom and then my first day as a UA teacher began

"All night"(All might x reader)Where stories live. Discover now