❇The offer ❇

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"(Y-Y/N) I've really missed you"tosh said looking down at the wooden floor

Those words made your heart skip a beat.

Wow I never noticed how blue his eyes were until now like dam...wait how do I respond to that.don't panic (Y/N) REPEAT DO NOT PANIC!

" Ah and who might this be"a small voice said politely from below me

"OH sorry my name is (Y/N) (L/N) ,I'm and old friend of tosh"you said internally face palming at how you just friend zoned yourself.

" Well nice to see toshinori has female friends who are past first name basis I see"he said while extending his small paw towards me with a innocent smile.

That sentence immediately caught tosh's attention and he quickly looked up at me,then to nezu,then me and then nezu

"NO NO WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!" we said in unison

"Oh sorry you go first" we both said in unison

We then both face palmed exactly at the same time

Nezu let out a hearty laugh while clutching his chest

"I see" he said with a knowing look

Tosh's face immediately went crimson red and let out a nervous laugh

Heh cute

"So miss (L/N) what do you do for work?" Nezu said,breaking the awkward silence

"I'm actually looking for employment at the moment"

"Oh well that's great! We're actually here to discuss who we will be employing as a helper for a class"he said with a exited tone

" we're still waiting for a few more staff to enter and then we can begin out meeting,would you care to join us miss (L/N)? "

"Oh no I don't want to interrup-"

Interrupting you the sound of a loud voice and a huff entered the room

"C'MON SHOTAAAA,Y'KNOW YOU WANNA COME!"present mic shouted obnoxiously

"No,no I don't" the pro hero eraser head sighed

"HEEEYY TOSH N' NEZ WHATS GOOD?" the loud blonde asked

"Mr Yamada please keep your voice down,there are other people here." Nezu calmly stated

The groggy ravenette looked me up and down until turning to nezu

"Who's she." he said in an annoyed time

"Oh that's miss (L/N) tosh's lady friend" he said with a proud voice

"WOAH WOAH HOLD UP,tosh you never told me you had such a hot gal hanging around without my verdict!" present mic said while stepping forward to you

"Hey there sweet cheeks,y'know if you ever get bored of 'that' then you can come ride the mic train if you catch ma drift"he said while giving me a mischievous wink

Woah there buster wtaf

" Well thanks for the offer 'sweet cheeks ' but I think I'll let that offer pass"you said with a sarcastic tone while pinching his cheek.

"Heh I like this one" Aizawa said with a slight smile edging on the end of his lips

"Woah there shota you might strain a muscle there with all that smiling" present mic said while stepping back next to him

"Yeah you don't ever smile at my jokes Aizawa!" ms.joke said while walking into the coffee shop

"Joke why are you here"aizawa said in a pissed tone

" just to check on my hubby! HAAHAHA PLEASE MARRY ME! " she shouted while laughing in aizawa's face

Welp she needs some tips on how to get a man clearly

"Well I better get going I have some errands to run!" I lied

"Wait (Y/N) can I have you number?NOT LIKE THAT OF ANYTHING!but just to keep in touch about the job opening"he said slightly flustered

"Of course tosh!" i said a bit too fast

We then exchanged numbers and I said my goodbyes while heading to the park for a walk

(Sorry about the short chapter guys I'm kinda running out of inspo for the next chapter ,I kinda have an idea for it but please make any recommendations for future chapters.like if you want fluff or some lemons for something)

Saskei out! ✌💛

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