chapter 10 ✓

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  • Dedicated to Criminal Minds

chapter 10

when my friends asked me what i was doing tonight i had two options. one, i could lie and say i felt sick and didn't want to hang out with them (which frankly, each and every day i could feel myself separating from them) or two, tell them the truth and face the backlash.

i took a deep breath in and decided on option two for some strange reason.

"i'm going to a one direction concert tonight actually"

there was silence from my group until christina busted out into laughter and was joined by everyone else. after a good minute of laughing and realizing that i wasn't laughing with them, they stopped.

"wait... you can't be serious"max said taking a drag of the joint between his lips.

quickly becoming scared of what they would say based on their reactions i came up with a small fib "oh yeah well my sister phoebe begged me to go with her and my mom said if i didn't go she wouldn't let me go to europe next summer"

my group of friends slowly nodded before drake spoke up

"where are you sitting? my dad is making me take my sister lacey and maybe we could ditch them a meet up" he asked

"somewhere on the floor" i lied. i knew my seats were most likely the closest seats to the stage, but i didn't want to bump into drake at the concert. "i'll text you"

he nodded before getting into a conversation with julia and life went on. i let go of a breath i didn't even realize i was holding.

the day went on normally and i picked up phoebe from her school at the appropriate time before we headed home to get ready for the night.

"mia, do you think i'll get to meet niall, i mean i've already met all of them, but harry is the only one i really really talked to and i just wanna talk to niall and take another picture with him, the one we took was blurry" phoebe rambled on as i helped her pick out an outfit for the concert.

i turned around and grabbed her face between my hands "yes, you will meet niall again. now help me pick out your outfit!"

phoebes obsession with niall made me think about the other boys. what would they say? would they be mad at me? i tried to stop the thoughts that would only instill fear within me by focusing on phoebes outfit

we decided on a pair of white shorts, a long sleeve pink sweater, and some white high top converse.

i headed to my room now to choose my own outfit, but not before checking twitter which i hadn't done in a few days. i scrolled through boring posts before my fingers stopped on a picture of harry and the back of a girl outside the matilda stage door. i think i stopped breathing for the second time today when i realized the girl was me. the tweet was questioning who the mystery girl was, meaning luckily they had no idea it was me.


i felt myself fill with panic before i could hear what harry would probably say to calm me done in my head.

shaking the fear away i put on black romper that was lace at the stomach and some black booties. i stared at myself in the mirroring and accepting my outfit choice before heading to the living room and waiting for time to go faster.

finally when the time came phoebe and i took the train to madison square garden for the concert. the train was full of teenage girls in their concert ready gear, equipped with iphones, water bottles, and rechargeable batteries.

we got in line to get in and slowly, but surely we made it into the concert. we were directed towards our seats and just as i suspected, front and center.

"can you believe this is actually happening!" phoebe exclaimed jumping up and down

i laughed and she engulfed me in a gigantic hug

"thank you mia. thank you for adopting me and loving me. i love you mia!" she said with her arms around my waist.

"i love you more phoebe" i said smiling

"now who's ready for some one direction!"

unknown pov

i could spot her from the corner of my eye, she was dancing and singing along with every teenage girl in the arena. the music was blasting and the guys up on stage were having a great time with the crowd. i needed to do this though.

she's never really alone, so this was my best chance. in a large crowd, there would be panic and no one would think of looking where it came from. chaos and chaos. seconds would pass by before anyone could register what had happened. precious seconds for me to run.

for chad.

i took a deep breath in and pushed through some girls attempting to get closer to mia and her sister. the front section was blocked off and guarded, so the closest i could get was in a corner. with the perfect aim, i would be able to spill her brains onto teenage girls.

i stood where i know no security guard could see and raised the gun from my pocket up into the air, directing it right at mia's head.

my finger rubbed against the trigger as i pressed on it, sending the bullet across the room. before even looking at the damage i had caused, i turned and ran.

mia's pov

everything was fine at first. we were singing and dancing, having a good time. harry was spending a little too much time in my section, understandably of course. 

everything was great. under i could hear a low boom and felt phoebe fall at my feet. i instantly bent down, not realizing what had just happened. 

she laid on the floor, not moving as her eyelids fluttered.

"mia?" she whispered. i looked down at her pink sweater which was now soaking blood from an unknown location.

"oh my god" i said shaking and putting my hands over the body, trying to find where the blood was coming from.

"stay with me phoebe. it's going to be okay" i said before looking up and screaming "help!"

i screamed and screamed until i could feel people reach down to me. the music was stopped and people began to move away from us

"get back! everyone get back!" a guard called "we need an ambulance. now!" he said into his walkie talkie

the tears were pouring out of my eyes as i reassured phoebe that everything would be fine.

"i'm tired" phoebe said, her eyelids trying to close

"no baby girl, stay awake you hear me. you're not going to fall asleep"

after what felt like forever, some men rushed towards us with a stretcher and picked phoebe up off the ground, yelling medical terms at each other.

"what's her name?" one of the paramedics asked me while picking my sister off of the floor.

"phoebe. phoebe harrison, she's only 10 years old. please don't let her die" i cried

"we're going to do everything we can" he said pushing the towards the exit. i turned around for a split second and made eye contact with the boy with the green eyes. i watched as a tear fell from his eye as he looked helplessly at me.

all of a sudden, he jumped off the stage and over the barrier, getting into the crowd and shoving his way towards me. i grabbed his hand and we ran to the ambulance. we jumped in and they shut the doors speeding off to the hospital.

i couldn't hear anything around me and all i could feel was harry's sweaty shirt underneath me as i cried and cried in his arms.

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