chapter 8 ✓

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chapter 8

i woke up with a pounding headache, the urge to smoke, and murmurs at my door

"is that?" i heard phoebe attempt to whisper to my mom

"it is" i could hear my mom reply to her

i tried to get up to yell at them to go away when i realized someones arm was wrapped tightly against me, cuddling me into their body.

and that's when i remembered last night

"shit" i whispered lowly, hoping no one would hear

"lets let them be phebes" my mom said quietly closing my door

about a minute later i heard my name being muttered "mia? are you awake?"

it was harry, speaking in his incredibly sexy morning voice that i wish i could replay on tape everyday of my life.

"yeah" i whispered back and he relaxed his grip around me. i turned my body to face him.

"thank you" i said quietly

"i'm just glad i was there to save you before something worse happened" he attempted at a small smile

"not just that. you know the day you surprised me in chicago? the very first time? that afternoon i almost jumped off a bridge because i wanted to die, but the thing is, i couldn't do it. something was holding me back, it wasn't letting me jump into the air and fly like i had always wanted to. now, now i realize what was holding back. you. the thought of how much i loved you and what you would say or do stopped me that day. so thank you harry, not just for last night, but for everyday of my life"


harry wrapped me up in his arms "i love you so much mia harrison and i don't care who you have become and i'm so stupid for getting so mad at you. i'm so sorry mia, could you ever forgive me"

"of course" i said

"will you.. will you get better for me?" he asked slowly

"if you do the same for me"


harry and i stood in front of a dumpster a good 30 blocks from my house. he stood there with his blades and i stood there with my box of drugs, my blades, and my cigarettes. we held hands

"together, we'll get better" he said squeezing my hand reassuringly.

"on 3?" i asked and he nodded




and together we threw our nasty habits away into a gross looking trashcan. i sighed and looked over at harry smiling

"only for you i would be able to overcome something like this so quickly" i smiled planting a peck on his lips

he smiled back "i love you mia"

"i love you more harry, now then let's go get something to eat shall we?"

we walked together to the subway, taking it down to a little pizza place that has the most fantastic pizza in all of ney work.

we walked in and i ordered us both slices of cheese- regardless of what harry wanted

when we sat down and got our pizza, harry took his first bite and i could see the adoration crawl onto his face

"this is the best pizza in the world" he said

"i know" i replied

suddenly my mind thought of yesterday on the rooftop with zayn. i wonder if harry knew anything about zayn's new drug buying

"how's the rest of the band" i asked

"they're doing fine i guess. we're getting ready to tour again soon, just enjoying the three months they've put us here" he said chewing on his pizza

the bell to the place rang and from the corner of my eye i watched two girls and two guys walk in, laughing and smoking.

wait a minute

i glanced looking up at a clock. 11:45. shit. they were on lunch and today of all days was the day my friends went to lunch.

i quickly stuffed the rest of my pizza in my mouth, shoving my trash in a trashcan and dragging harry's arm.

"we have to go" i said keeping an eye on the people at the front and in front of me. harry seemed to understand my sudden fear and we exited through the backdoor, walking quickly to the subway station. once on a train, i finally felt myself release the breath i had been holding in

"who were those people?" harry asked "honestly"

the honestly part stung a bit, but i didn't acknowledge it "my friends"

"why would you run away from them?" he asked genuinely

"because spencer harrison doesn't know harry styles and the minute they see me next to you, they're going to realize who i actually am. we told people in chicago i wasn't going to wake up. mia harrison is dead" i said quickly before slumping down in my seat

harry pressed his lips against my cheek softly and slowly.

"it's okay" he whispered

unknown pov

"are you sure? that's her?" i asked

my cousin nodded his head

"holy shit" i said comparing the picture of spencer harrison i had on my phone to the girl in the yearbook that sat in front of me

"they look identical" i said putting the two pictures side by side. spencer's hair was a bit darker and she wore eyeliner, but there was no doubt in my mind these two girls were the same girl.

my cousin sat in front of me nodding "mia harrison is your friend spencer harrison"

i looked even closely at the photo of mia in the yearbook. "wait a second" i said squinting my eyes trying to see where i knew her from

"this.. this is the girl that was dating that guy from one direction. didn't she commit suicide? i thought she died? how can spencer be a dead girl?"

my cousin nodded once again "after a month of being in a coma they said that they didn't think she would ever wake up. so we all assumed they pulled the plug, but it was so strange though because there was no funeral or mass. she wasn't well liked so no one really gave it a second thought"

"holy shit" i said running my fingers through my hair, mind blown at this girl who had gotten away with faking her own death in the world we live in today

"this bitch is the one that ruined my life" my cousin growled next to me

"what do you want me to do?"

"make her pay. make her feel the pain she put my through. i want her dead" he said. his eyes were dark and i almost regretted showing my cousin photos of my friends in the city. i owed my cousin so much of my life though, i needed to this for him regardless of my friendship with spencer or mia, whatever her name really is.

i knew i was going to hate myself for this later on

i nodded my head "okay chad. i'll do it"

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