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Temnayafigura. Alexei’s one and only favourite folklore since he was five. It’s about a dark figure who appears at winter and takes boys’ souls and replace them with dark ones.

He enjoys that kind of tale and for once, Viktor felt deep concern for his kind of likings.

It has been a week after Viktor found Alexei and there was no progress coming from the younger lad. No one knows what happened to him or neither does he. He never talked again and only followed Viktor around the house. He wasn’t enthusiastic like he was before and he often cower and tremble most of the time.

“We’re going out, Viktor.” His father called out to him from the living room and he nodded his head, smiling warmly and waving goodbye at them. He watched as his parents walked out the door, leaving him all alone with his younger brother.

“Alexei,” Viktor started and he waited for him to completely face him. Although it took longer than what Viktor thought it would be, he still continued with a bright cheery smile. “Tell big bother what you want to eat and I’ll cook it.”

Alexei clenched his jaws and averted his dull eyes away from Viktor, who in return, dropped the corners of his lips.

Brat,” He gently grabbed both of his shoulders and forced him to face him. “I know that you’ve been traumatize about the events but at least say something.” He said, almost pleaded.


He sighed loudly and dropped his hands to his sides. He folded them across his chest as he observes Alexei’s eyes flashing back and forth as if he is paranoid of something.

“Stop that.” Viktor commanded, obviously tired of the same act everyday. Alexei just carried on like he didn’t heard him.

“I said stop tha-”

TEMNAYAFIGURA!” Alexei suddenly screamed and thrust around like some invisible pair of arms just grabbed him.

Shocked and was caught off guard, Viktor stumbled and fell from the chair he was sitting on awhile ago. He cupped his hurt leg and crawled away while suppressing a whimper. He hates to show weakness especially in front of his brother.

“Alexei,” He said out of consciousness and the boy snapped his head towards him. His mouth opens and reveals sharp looking teeth that could easily pierce someone’s skin.

Viktor’s face scrunched up in terror as the figure who looks like Alexei limped towards him. He backed up and tried his best to rise to his feet but failed miserably.

Alexei grinned and his now ash colored eyes rolled back to his head, revealing white eyeballs instead. He approaches his older brother in the slowest way anyone could imagine and when he was mere inches from his face, he dove down.

The last thing that Viktor recalled was feeling the sharp teeth penetrate his throat.

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