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Viktor woke up to the sound of someone screaming his name. He shot up from the cold sheets of his bed and despairingly went downstairs to meet his once sweet mother who turned into a wrecked mortal after his brother's departure.

"What is the matter, ma?" He wearily asked with his voice coated in sleepiness. His eyes landed on his mother and he immediately saw the scowl painted on her wrinkled face. "Ma?"

"You know what time is it, da?" She asked with both hands on her hips, giving her an intimidating look.

"Net," Viktor answered shortly before running his eyes towards the wall across him where the clock was rooted.

"Time for you to drink your pill," His father's gruff voice resounded from the porch and he nodded his head.

It has been two days after the incident where he lost consciousness on a pile of snow. He was fortunate enough that his older cousin, Gavriil, found him for he was out hunting in the wild despite the raging storm. When Viktor first woke up, he was confuse and baffled of the events. He cried about the unusual place and the dark figure numerous times but only received confuse stares from everyone surrounding him.  
Gavriil had stated that he found him lying behind the old cabin where an old couple used to live. It wasn't far from where Viktor resides so there is no possible way he could not recognize the place.

"I'm going out, pa." Viktor called out to his father before putting his coat and gloves on. "I promise to get home before darkness strikes."

His father grunted and took a sip from his black tea, completely unconcern of his older son's business. Viktor stepped out onto the cold once again and was greeted by the familiar breeze.

No. This time, Viktor would not ask for updates from pig-men, he was tired of hearing the same replies everyday. It only ticks him up to the point that he wanted to decapitate all those men that they are calling constables.  Viktor would not depend on them anymore.
He would look for his own brother, may it be risky or not.

"Viktor!" The sound of Gavriil's voice rang in his ears like church bell choirs and he snapped his head to where it came from.

"Ah, nice to see you, brat." Viktor responded with a small beam that seems to be forged if you don't look closely.

"What are you doing out in this cold weather?"

Viktor pressed his lips together and swerved his sight away from Gavriil. Truth to be told, Gavriil is one of those pig-men that tells him to give up on his younger brother. The very last person he wanted to.

"Say, isn't it rude to butt your nose into people's businesses?" He counters back with a small smirk playing on his lips and Gavriil let out a hearty laugh.

"Da, you're right brat." He replied with a lop-sided grin.

"Then I'll see you around," Viktor tipped an invisible hat in his direction and continued to walk to somewhere certain.
The howls of the wind brought goosebumps on Viktor's covered arms. He thought it was sinister at first but his love for his younger brother overpowered his fear.
Walking towards the spot he was found laying cataleptic two days ago, Viktor knelt down and felt the snow with his gloved hand.

Alexei must be here, right? That was what the 'supposed' folklore says. 

A smile slowly made its way to his face and a new tingling sensation sparked up in his body.

Alexei's here. He can feel it.  

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