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CHAPTER TWENTY SIXHOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER "are you, are you, coming to the tree"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"are you, are you, coming to the tree"

The small, young girl ran down the hallways, swiftly dodging anyone standing in her way. Her short, thin hair was parted into two adorable looking pigtails, one on each side of her head. Her bright eyes shined, tears highlighting them. Dylan refused to cry, she wasn't going to cry. It was a sign of weakness, and even at the mere age of eight, Dylan wasn't going to show any weakness.

     She wasn't really sad, more like frustrated and angry. For the third time that week, she had gone over to Murphy's to play various types of board games because her parents were being stupid and fighting again. But, like all the other times, Murphy had cheated. It made her blood boil, and the worst part was discovering that the reason he had won the past five games of card was because of him hiding a card up his sleeve. These few times she had caught him, but what about all the times she hadn't?

     To avoid the guards the best she could, Dylan escaped into an empty room, which appeared to be a storage room. She climbed up the shelf, preparing to pop open the vent so that she could hide up there, but someone beat her to it. The vent popped opened, a young boy her age swinging inside the room. With a buttom lip sticking out into a pout and arms folded over her chest, Dylan glared at Murphy.

     "What do you want, you cheat?" The young boy rolled his eyes at his best friend, pulling something from the waistband of his sweats.

     "I brought peace offerings. .  ." He started, eyes locked on the girl his height.

     With a suspicious, but curious, mind, Dylan answered. "Go on. . ."

     "I managed to swipe these lollipops and some other candy from Alpha station, and here's one of my old, band tees. This one has one from this band AC/DC. It's really cool, dad made me listen to some of their music." He explained, handing the greenish-black tee shirt and bright pink lollipop over to Dylan, who accepted. "I'm so sorry for cheating. Do you think you could ever forgive me?"

     Dylan pretended to think for a moment, but barely seconds passed before a huge, toothy grin broke out across her face. She hooked her pinky with his, crinkles by her eyes as she grinned. "Always and forever. I'll always forgive you, Murphs."

     "No matter what?"

     "No matter what."


     With mouth dropped wide open and eyes the size of saucers, Dylan witnessed murdered. Murder committed by none other then John Murphy, her best friend in the whole entire world.

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