Hanging Out with the Stepbrothers 2

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(One night, Emily is having internet problems on her tablet, laptop, and phone. She keeps closing and reopening her favourite apps on her phone, but the loading process is very slow. Emily eventually gave up and put her devices aside.)

Emily: (sighs in defeat) Well, another bust. Looks like I'll have to manage the rest of the night without my favourite apps by reading Goosebumps and write my fan-made Goosebumps story. (Gets off her bed) Might as well brush and floss my teeth now.

(Emily entered the bathroom and brushed and flossed her teeth while listening to music to get the job done quicker. Later, when she's finished, she opens the door and the stepbrothers, Lorenzo and Chet, appear in front of her.)

Emily: Oh hey guys, you got internet problems too?

Lorenzo: Yeah.

Chet: (holds up his phone) We can't upload our gaming videos on YouTube and watch other peoples' videos too.

Emily: (sighs) Well, this is kind of the worst night ever.

Lorenzo: Hey now c'mon, we can still have a good night!

Chet: Yeah, do you still play the Wii U?

Emily: (scratches the back of her head) Well, not in a long time.

Chet: Well, we will now! Come on!! (He and Lorenzo drag Emily back to the bedroom.)

(Cuts to the trio in thee bedroom. Emily is putting on her top plastic retainer, Chet gathered the controllers on the bed, and Lorenzo turned on the TV and the Wii U. The game they're playing is still Super Mario Maker. They're taking turns playing levels on the 10 Mario Challenge using the Wii U Pro Controller. Emily's going first.)

Lorenzo: Music notes, huh? Let's see how that goes.

(Emily played the level and died twice. She was about to give up when she found a way to the goal using a propellor shroom. She used it and finished the level.)

Emily: Whew, that was a bit tough.

Chet: Alright guys, it's my turn to get a crack at it. (Emily hands the controller to him)

Emily: A shoe factory level? It can't be that hard can it?

(Chet played the level and the results are in.)

Chet: Nope, it's actually an easy level. (Hands the controller to Lorenzo)

Lorenzo: An airship level? I can handle that.

(Even though he died once, Lorenzo still managed to beat the level nonetheless. He handed Emily the controller and won "Blaster Barrage" in one go. Chet didn't do anything, considering the level the trio are at now is a "don't move" level. Lorenzo died three times on a trampoline level, but beat it on the fourth try.)

Lorenzo: That level sucked butt. How much longer is this game? It feels like I'm dying here.(He handed the controller to Emily.)

Emily: We're getting close.

(Emily is having a really hard time on the next level. She keeps dying, and just when she almost finished the level, she got a "game over". The trio groaned and that ends the game.)

Emily: Well, I tried.

Chet: We both did.

Lorenzo: My advice, start playing the Wii U more often while waiting for the Nintendo Switch on Christmas Day. The more you use it, the better you'll be at beating tough levels such as that, and who knows, a spark of creativity will come right through your head when it comes to making our own levels.

Emily: I'll try that. Thanks Lorenzo.

Lorenzo: (nods his head) Mmm hmm. Let's turn off the system, save it for tomorrow.

Emily: Good idea. (The trio turn off the Wii U and put the controllers away.)

Emily: Y'know, I've been thinking...

Stepbrothers: Yeah?

Emily: You guys need more love in the fandom, unlike Mike, who deserves no love at all. Even though you guys mostly fight a lot in the Ridonculous Race, you guys aren't so bad at all. You guys got along in "Shawshank Ridonc-tion" and it made a huge difference with you two. (The stepbrothers are touched by her words) How do you guys feel about that?

Chet: It's been working very well for the both of us.

Lorenzo: I never had any friends at all, (points at Chet with his thumb) until this guy came along.

Emily: I'm glad to hear that from the both of you.

Chet: You're a good girl Emily.

Lorenzo: You're not mean-spirited, unlike Courtney, Scarlett, and Blaineley, even though we don't know them, as well as Mike, or Mal, it's confusing, and Chris McJerk.

Chet: But we'll take your word about them.

Emily: Thanks guys.

(Emily yawns a bit and so do Chet and Lorenzo. The two stepbrothers are snuggled up in their sleeping bags and Emily took off her glasses and turned out the lamp light before falling asleep in her own bed. Cuts to the next morning. The trio woke up feeling well rested.)

Emily: Ah, morning boys.

Lorenzo: Morning Em.

Chet: (stretching his arms) Best sleep ever!

Lorenzo: Oh, you know it bro. (Gets out of his sleeping bag and opens the window blinds, revealing a grey sky.) Hmmm, today's a cruddy day out there.

Emily: Looks like a perfect day to stay inside.

Chet: And it's also a good day to play more video games!

Emily and Lorenzo: Yeah!

(So the trio spent the entire day playing the Wii U some more. The stepbrothers are both glad Emily is giving them more love and attention, and Emily is happy to reconnect with the two of them.)


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