Planning a New Season

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(One day, Ezekiel came home from the pet store with two new pet cats. One of them is a gold and white cat named Laura and the other is a black and white cat named Lily. He couldn't wait to show Emily their newest family members.)

Ezekiel: Emily, I'm home! Come meet Laura and Lily, eh! (He didn't get a response) Emily?

Emily: I'm in the bedroom!

Ezekiel: Oh, okay. I'll let you sleep then, eh.

Emily: Oh no, I'm not sleeping. Come on in, it's our room after all.

(Ezekiel mentally facepalmed at that. He walked in the bedroom and smirked when he saw her sitting in their bed all cozy.)

Ezekiel: Emily, why are you in bed, eh?

Emily: It's just a comfortable spot to sit in. You know I tend to sit in bed even though I'm not sick.

Ezekiel: (chuckles) Oh you. Mind if the three of us join you?

Emily: Sure thing, come on in.

(Ezekiel carefully climbed in bed with Laura and Lily and he snuggles up to her before showing her the cats.)

Ezekiel: Do you like them, eh?

Emily: Awww, they are so cute!! Yes, I like them very much.

(She pets them as they purr before the two cats cuddle up to each other. Ezekiel then noticed Emily has her phone, binder and computer with her.)

Ezekiel: So, whatcha drawing there, eh?

Emily: Oh, I'm not drawing anything, I'm typing down something.

Ezekiel: Ok then, whatcha typing, eh?

Emily: Well, you know my fan-made season that is supposed to have 13 episodes plus some extra stuff in their like aftermaths and extra clips?

Ezekiel: Oh yeah. You only wrote 5 out of 23 parts, eh. Are you going to continue it?

Emily: Actually, yes. I am working on it, but what's stopping me is school and work, so I'll need to work around my schedule until I have free time. Also, I'm thinking of starting a new fan-made season just for the summer when I only have one thing going on.

Ezekiel: (surprised) Really? Wow, it looks like a lot of hard work never stops, eh.

Emily: Yep, and it gets better, you know that so many people love making fan art of only the Total Drama girls?

Ezekiel: Yeah, eh. Why can't we join in for once?

Emily: Well, I'm doing the opposite. I'm doing a Total Drama Boys season based on Chris' show, except he won't be the host.

Ezekiel: (excited) YES!! It's about time Chris isn't the host, eh! Anyway, what's that about?

Emily: It takes place on Summer Island, the same place where I sent you and the others on vacation. However, 16 of you will be competing. In fact, remember that chapter where you, Rock and Beardo came up with your own challenges and the winner gets a chocolate bar?

Ezekiel: Oh yeah, the one like "Pahk'd With Talent" but better, eh. I love that chapter. It was a friendly competition yo.

Emily: Exactly. What I'm trying to say is this season won't have an unfriendly competition. (She thinks for a second) Say, do you want to help me write the story?

Ezekiel: (excited) Emily, yes. I'd be honoured to help you write a story, eh. (He gets comfy so they could write together) You know, no matter where we snuggle in the unit, it's very relaxing.

Emily: It really is.

Ezekiel: Maybe you'll have one of your followers be your co-host?

Emily: I would, but they would probably say no. I don't know if I'll have them as special pop-up guests as well. Instead, I'm thinking you should be my co-host.

Ezekiel: Really: (Emily nods. Ezekiel is touched by this) Aww, that's so sweet of you, eh. Of course I'll be your co-host. (He gives her a kiss on the cheek) Can I host some of the challenges if you're too busy, eh?

Emily: I don't see why not. I will be pretty busy anyway. So, I decided to have two teams. One team will be The Raging Rabbits and the other will be The Crazy Cats. What do you think?

Ezekiel: They sound fine to me, eh. (He then feels Laura and Lilly rubbing against him and he pets them) Laura, Lilly, do you two want to help us?

Emily: They can be the season's mascot. That's something new we can try, since the other TD seasons and my fan-made season don't have a mascot of their own.

Ezekiel: A mascot for the season? Sure, why not try experimenting new stuff, eh? Say, are we going to put in the same rules like you did for your Summer Island stories, eh?

Emily: Yes. I was just thinking that myself. We all know two rules, have fun...

Ezekiel: ...and don't blow anything up, specifically for Max, eh.

(Emily, Ezekiel, Laura and Lilly sat in bed for hours coming up with some ideas for their new Total Drama season. They were finished by dinner.)

Ezekiel: Man, that was fun, eh. We should write stories together more often.

Emily: I agree. Next thing I'll know, you'll write your own fanfictions, stories and journal entries like I do.

Ezekiel: And I'll be proud to know I'll learn it all from you, eh. (He sighs) If only this season would become a reality, that'd be awesome.

Emily: Funny you mentioned that, because it will become a real thing in Summer 2021.

Ezekiel: (excited) Really? We're going to make this into a real season? That's so cool!

Emily: Yep, and Sierra, Shawn and Alejandro will be our camera folks, so there's nothing to worry about. We'll get these episodes filmed in no time. I have a feeling we're going to have so much fun with this.

Ezekiel: (as he hugs Emily with tenderness) I hope so too, eh. You'll get there no problem.

Emily: (as she hugs Ezekiel, Laura and Lilly back) Thanks hon.

(The two hugged until they got out of bed to make dinner. Emily fed the cats cat food and Ezekiel cooked dinner for the two of them. After eating, they all kicked back on the couch and watched some Netflix together.)

A/N: Hey everyone. This fanfic is a introduction to a new fan-made season I'll be writing. It's not Total Drama Finale, but something else. The new season/book will be coming out in the Summer of 2021. Don't miss out.😉

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