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Tina couldn't help but smile as the rest of the Black Bulls told her what it means to be a Magic Knight. Some were a bit funnier than the others. Like when Grey transformed into Asta and said that "he's" looking forward to working with them. Tina started laughing when Charmy began shoving her food in Asta's mouth, ignoring his protest that he's already full. It went on for a bit until Yami kicked the door wide open, making everyone stop what they were doing.

"Magna, we're going," he said, mostly like an order. Ok, more like he has no choice in the matter.

"Yes, Yami, sir," Magna replied.

Asta looks at him, with his mouth still full of food. "What's going on?" he asked in a muffled voice.

"There's a mission," he simply explained.

Tina's let out a small breath as Magna got up. "A real mission?" she breathed. She suddenly got up in excitement. "Wait, I'm coming, too!"

Asta nodded as he swallowed his food and followed her. "Me, too!"

"No way!" Magna said, stopping the duo in their tracks. "Can't bring a kid along. This is an important mission. Only grown-up men allowed." Tina let out a small growl. Asta's eyes widened before he grabbed Tina's arm to hold her back. "Ok. We'll be back. Bye."

"Listen, gang!" Yami's voice boomed as Magna walked out of the room. "No breakin' stuff while we're gone."

Vanessa waved at them. "Kay, have fun! Bye!" she said while her body swayed side to side.

Luck stood up. "Captain. Will ya fight me when you get back, pretty please?"

"Don't be gone too long, Captain," Gordon mumbled. "I'll be waiting for you."

"Hurry back," Charmy said as she munched on her food. "You don't wanna miss dinner, do you?"

Gauche didn't look at the team. His eyes were only focused on the picture of Marie. "I don't know how much longer I can wait to see Marie." His nose started to bleed. "I'm going through withdrawal."

"I'd like to hit on -" Finral shook his head at his mistake and corrected himself by saying, "I mean, get on a mission, too." He looked towards Noelle and winked at her.

Really, Tina and Noelle thought. Noelle in annoyance while Tina was in disgust.

What am I doing here? Noelle finished her thought.

Yami gave a final nod before he turned around to leave. Tina yanked her arm away from Asta and chased after the captain.

"Captain Yami, sir!" she called out. Yami stopped in his tracks and looked down at the bluenette. She closed her eyes and bowed as she wondered, "If it's all right with you, I would like to accompany you on this mission!"

The looks on their faces, Tina thought. If it's that serious then they might need help.

Yami took a drag of his cigarette. "No," he declined making Tina's face turn a bit blue as she choked on some air. "No offense, kid, but something like this isn't really up your ally. And what we're about to do really pushes past our limits. If you're really that bored then feed the beasts or something."

Without another word, Yami turned around and left. Tina felt her eyes twitch as she looked at the captain leaving.

"Like hell, I would," she muttered, formulating a plan.


My eyes! My eyes! Tina shouted in her head with her nose bleeding a bit.

She decided to follow Magna and Yami out of the hideout. She was confused as to why they had to go into a tavern and snuck in anyway. She stole one of the uniforms for the place and pretended to be one of the staff there. The girl made sure to turn before either Magna or Yami could see her.

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