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Tina's eyes were glazed over as the battle continues. But, what's got the girl frozen in place? She wasn't nervous. She was excited about the mission, even though it wasn't the way she wanted it. It was that word...beasts. It snapped something inside the bluenette.

Inside Tina's mind, there was a loud chuckle that echoed inside. The sadistic grin was plastered on the stranger's face. He's been watching from inside the grimoire, just waiting until the girl reached her full potential.

"Beasts," the stranger chuckled as he took a drag of his cigarette. "Takes you back, doesn't it?"

Tina's eyes blinked multiple times before she took a good look at her surroundings. She wasn't sure where she was at. Everything was dark. She was confused about what was going on until a hand waved in front of her face.

"Hello, Blueberry," the guy called out. Tina jumped back with her hand over her chest as she shrieked. The guy smirked as he took another drag and blew it in her face. "Finally, you answered."

Tina got a good look at the mysterious stranger. His hair was white and it stuck out everywhere. His skin was pale. The man's eyes were a bit narrow with the color that reminds Tina of the moon. He had these tattoos of a face that almost made him look like a cat if they were smaller and skinnier. The man wore a white turtle neck with a black jacket pairing it with dark jeans and black shoes.

"Who are you?" Tina asked. "Where am I? What's this place?"

"What do you think, Blueberry? We're in you're head. Don't worry, there's more going on than this."

"You still didn't answer one of my questions."

"Name's Damien."


Damien gave Tina a pointed look. "Just Damien. And I'm your spirit that resides in this grimoire."

"Spirit?" Tina questioned.

Damien sighed. "I'm your power boost, dumbass." He took another drag of his cigarette.

"My power boost?" Tina's brows furrowed when Damien waved his hand to pop up a small memory inside of Tina's head. "What's this?"

"The day you hated bullies, remember?" It was a few days after Tina got rid of the bandages around her eye. "I mean, you've hated them before but this really put you over the edge."

It was one of those days where Asta, Yuno, and Tina were wondering around Hage Village. Asta and Tina were playing a quick game of Tag. The bluenette was running away from her friend with a laugh while the boy was doing his best to catch her. Tina ran over to Yuno and grabbed his sleeve before asking him to play with them. Yuno, who was ahead of them, shook his head before grabbing his hand. It ended the game, which Asta wasn't really too happy about. He was about to open his mouth in protest when they ran into three men and their wives coming out of a store. They were about to scold the kids for bumping into them until they noticed Tina's heterochromia eyes.

The first husband did a double-take before pointing at Tina. "Wow, that's something very....what's the word I'm looking for, guys?" He pondered at the thought before he got up in the kids' face and started laughing. "Oh, right, DISGUSTING!"

Tina coward behind Yuno while clinging on to his arm.

"There's nothing more hideous than that!" one of the wives yelled.


"Aw, did we hurt her little feelings," the second man gave a mock pout. "She looks like a little beast, doesn't she?"

Spirit 》Black CloverWhere stories live. Discover now