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Harley sat back in his chair as he listened to George Sweeney sputter and spew out everything he knew. It wasn't as much as Harley hoped it would be. Natasha had wrapped her long legs around the tubby techy and seduced him into helping her. However she had only told him what he needed to know in order to do his part. He hadn't yet done anything that required computer skills. All he had done was keep an eye on the victim. He didn't know why she had been taken, what Natasha planned to do with her, or what she was going to have him do next.

He told Harley that the kidnap victim was a cop. He told him the unusual circumstances of her escape and about the call from jail that he had received from the other guys just before he had called Harley. They said they had been apprehended by a gang of vigilantes and the two boys were dumped, unceremoniously and completely bound in bungee cords, on the doorstep of the police station. They had no idea what had happened to Natasha. They were certain she had been caught along with them, but she hadn't been turned over to the police.

He told him that the other guys advised him to call Harley and apologize and let him know where they were so that he could get them out of jail. George, of course, fully agreed that they should let Harley know what was going on and beg his forgiveness. He told him that he and the other guys had been tricked into going along with her because of her beauty and the sexual favors she offered. She had told George, at first, that it would just be the two of them. That when her plan succeeded they would be rich and she would marry him. Then later she brought the other guys in because, she said, they needed the "muscle".

George had been totally love-struck with Natasha up until she had kicked him in the face, as he lay there on the floor bound by blocks of ice, and unleashed a tirade of insults and curses down upon him for allowing the girl to escape. That was when he realized that Natasha was only pretending to love him and that it had all been a trick to get him to do what she needed him to do. When George explained that part his weeping increased and he blubbered about how foolish he had been and how blind. He went on about his broken heart and how he would never love anyone again.

Harley picked up his phone and dialed as George wrapped up his tale. "Mason. Harley here... Yeah. Get Rock and you two head over to my office, would ya? Yeah. Yeah, I'll need the works. Alright. See you in a bit."

He hung up and looked at the whimpering man sitting across from him. He stood up and walked around the desk. He pulled a plastic rain coat out of a closet and draped it over his arm. George was just shaking his head and blowing his nose into a handkerchief that Harley had given him. He was still mumbling and muttering about Natasha and his foolishness.

Harley walked over and stood in front of him. "George. Now look at me, George." George looked up at him. "You've told me all you know? There isn't anything you've left out at all? Because I don't want to let you go walking out of here and find out you held back on me."

George was shaking his head emphatically, his face awash with relief and repentance. "No Boss, I've told you every detail. I swear! Oh, thank you, Boss, for believing me and forgiving me! W-will I be allowed to keep my job? I m-mean I understand if I'm fired, b-but..."

"Ohhh, yeah, yeah. You keep your job, Georgie. Yeah, it wasn't your fault. Women are persuasive little bitches sometimes. I understand. Fact, c'mon. Stand up here and I'll give you a hug. Make ya feel better. Stand up, Georgie."

George stood up, a confused look crossing his face, although he still smiled gratefully. He opened his arms as Harley stepped forward. In one swift movement, Harley swung the raincoat around George's chubby frame and pulled the silenced pistol he had in his hand out from where he'd been hiding it. He shot George three times point-blank through the heart.

He let out a grunt as he guided George's body in the proper direction so that it dropped fully onto the raincoat. This way none of the blood would leak onto the carpet. He wrapped the coat around the body and tied the arms together. When he was done, he put the gun back in his desk drawer and sat in his chair to wait for the cleanup crew.

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