Furry x mike

33 4 3

*sucks penis*
Mike: mmm
Furry: hey mike
Mike: hey
Furry: mike?
Mike: yes
Furry: I am a..
Furry: furry
Mike: oh no
Furry: are you furryphobic?
Mike: yes
Furry: oh
Mike: bye furry
Furry: bye :(
*furry cries tears*

Mike: ew furry
Furry: yes
Mike: your smelly
Furry ok
Mike: lol
*furry cries tears*

Mike: *steals loot*
Furry: ok
Mike: lol fortnite noob
Furry: yes
Mike: stanky
*furry cries tears*

Mike: furry die
Furry: okay
Mike: bye
Mike:*shoots furry*
Furry: ow
Furry: dead
*furry cries tears*

Furry:wer is I?
God: heven
Furry: ok
God: I don't like you
Furry: ok
God: go back to earths
Furry: ok
*furry is on earth*

Mike: I mist furry 💔
Furry: hi mike
Mike: hey
Furry: ok
Mike: yes
Furry: ok
*furry smiles for the first time*

Furry: I love furrys
Mike: no
Furry: ok
Mike: stabs furry
Furry: death
Mike: lol
Furry: ok
*furry cries tears*

Furry: hello?
Devil: hi
Devil: your sexy
Furry: indeed
Devil: want to make bebes
Furry: ok
Devil: undress himself
Furry:undress herself
*both naked*

What will happen next?!?!?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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