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Item #: SCP-7760

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7760 is to be contained in a modified, completely soundproof humanoid containment unit. Cell furnishings are to be constructed of soft materials whenever possible in order to prevent any unnecessary production of sound.

SCP-7760 is to wear a muzzle on its face that prevents it from speaking and reduces the strength of any vocalizations it may produce. Verbal communication with SCP-7760 is strictly forbidden, and interviews are to be carried out through written media only.

Under no circumstances is SCP-7760 to have access to the following:

- Musical instruments,

- Electronic sound production devices,

- Glass objects.

Description: SCP-7760 is a caucasian male human with no abnormal physical characteristics. It is ███ cm in height and ██ kg in weight, has brown hair and eyes, and is in good physical condition. SCP-7760 was 22 years old at the time of its acquisition.

SCP-7760 has sonokinetic abilities; it is able to amplify the volume and duration of any sound waves exponentially, as well as manipulate their direction and frequency to a certain extent. It has some level of control over this ability; if desired, it can use sound waves for offensive purposes, damaging objects and human auditory systems.

After testing, it has been found that SCP-7760 uses the energy resources within its own body in order to amplify the energy of its sound waves. Therefore, the strength of the sound it produces is limited by the capacities of the human body to store energy. In addition, SCP-7760 seems to be limited in the amount it can amplify the volume of a sound based on the sound's original volume; quieter sounds can be amplified less than louder sounds can.

SCP-7760 has attempted to breach containment once, resulting in the deaths of █ Foundation personnel and permanent hearing loss for ██ agents and researchers. Following this incident, SCP-7760 has not attempted violence again, but has stayed uncooperative with most Foundation staff.

Prior to containment, SCP-7760 was known as William Gold, often going by the alias Wilbur Soot. It operated as a content creator and musician on several websites including YouTube and Twitch.

Addendum 1: As of ██/██/████, SCP-7760 was observed to be displaying common symptoms of depression. When questioned about its state, SCP-7760 attributed this to its continuing isolation from the sound of human voices and meaningful contact with other people, as well as its inability to perform music.

Note from Dr. Allen, dated 30/4/████: Of course 7760 is [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] depressed, it hasn't had a conversation that's lasted longer than five minutes for months.

I have a proposition for Researcher Watson. I have been working with SCP-7777 for some time now, and I've been able to implement a system that allows digital communication between its instances. Not only has this proven beneficial for the cooperation of 7777 with the Foundation, it has also shown considerable benefits when it comes to the mental health of 7777. I believe this could help 7760 as well, as long as we restrict communication to text messages.

Addendum 2: Amendments to Containment Procedures: As of ██/██/████, SCP-7760 is to have access to a computing device with a touch screen and access to an isolated local area network. This device should not contain a microphone, speakers, or mechanical keyboard that could produce sound.

SCP-7760 is allowed to use this device to communicate with SCP-7777 via text messages exclusively. All communication should be heavily monitored, and should either of the objects attempt to coordinate a containment breach, all communication privileges are to be revoked indefinitely.

Addendum 3: As of Incident 7777-C, SCP-7777 is [REDACTED]. Following this, the amendments to SCP-7760's containment procedures outlined in Addendum 2 are to be rescinded until a suitable alternative can be found.

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