The Death Of Mineta (not really)

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               Filler chap!

WARNINGS: I kinda forgot to censor some of the cursing so...

               After the Lunch incident as most of the school called it, Izuku thought about what Shinso said. He realized that Shinso was right. He deserved to be promoted to class 2-A. The only problem? All of the spots were currently filled, and most of the students did deserve to be there. After about a week of consideration it hit him. How did Mineta make it in? It just didn't make sense his quirk didn't help with rescuing nor destroying. After a bit of digging he found that not only did Mineta fail he came in last. He had somehow hacked the system to let him in. 

Izuku prowled through the halls of the common room. After a while he stumbled upon Aizawa.

"Oi problem child"

"mumble mumble mumble"


"hm? Oh! Sorry Aizawa-sensei

"What were you thinking about?"

"Oh! I was just wondering how Mineta got into UA since he is not necessarily an amazing hero, ya know?"

"Hm you are right... I'll go check the files"

6 hours later........

Izuku was sitting with Bakugo in the common room and was just cuddling when he got a text from Aizawa. He had frozen in his seat and gasped. When Bakugo finally noticed that he wasn't being pet anymore he looked up and saw Izuku's screen. His response?

"Holy SH*T"

What was the big thing? Aizawa had just texted saying that Mineta was now a C class villain for lying to the Japanese authority and forging passing papers. Izuku and Bakugo both growled scaring everyone that was in the common room. Both stood up and began prowling the dorm. Then as if they were being watched the speakers let out


As the rest of class also moved towards the common room, Izuku got another text stating that he got to deal with Mineta as well as choose the replacement because he was the least biased.Laughter was what met him as he entered, his fellow classmates stationed at every corner of the room and completely, deliciously unaware of what was about to happen. Tokoyami was reading in the bright purple armchair in the corner of the expansive room; Uraraka, frog-porn, and pink hair were standing in front of the pool table, jabbering on excitedly in between loud pings of cue hitting ball.

Best of all, Mineta was standing on the thousand-times replaced coffee table, holding up a golden cup with that stupid fucking atrocity of a cape tied around his duck-like neck as he posed for Kaminari who scribbled madly at a piece of sketching paper, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his lips.

"Bakugo! Izuku Come play!" Pink-hair shouted as she spotted him lingering in the doorway. 

"I have something to take care of, first," Both of the boys told her, slowly walking towards Mineta as the teenager twisted towards them with a look or horror.

"What? But..." Mina trailed off, looking back at the stoic Kirishima flanking him. She seemed to pull back a bit, standing back to watch as they approached the coffee table.

Mineta had turned fully by this point, leaning almost entirely off of the table, holding the shiny golden cup in his hand like a weapon. "B-b-b-b-bakugo, buddy, come on, let's not get hasty..."

Bakugo's palms cracked and fizzled with heat and tiny explosions, his grin growing wild as Mineta took a tumble off of the table, collapsing in a rightfully terrified heap of ugly.

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