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You bounced down onto the couch next to Yeosang, holding a big bowl of fresh popcorn for you to share, "Ready?"

He nodded and pressed play on the move, the two of you cuddling closer while the movie opened. This was how you normally liked to spend your evening; snuggled into Yeosang's side with a corny movie on. Both of you preferred quiet nights in, enjoying each other's company and energy while watching whatever new release had premiered on Netflix.

You both laughed and chatted throughout the movie, enjoying the easy conversation that had settled between you, "Oh god, he's going to get peed on by the baby, isn't he?"

Yeosang crinkled his nose and giggled, "Yep, the second that diaper comes off,"

You watched as the stereotypical 'bad dad' character took off his son's diaper and your predictions came true, "Annnd there it is,"

Yeosang stuffed some more popcorn in his mouth, "Do you think that actually happens?" he mumbled around the mouthful.

"Oh yeah definitely, babies can be evil,"

He nodded solemnly, "True, but they're cute,"

You hummed in agreement, "Well yeah, but that's how they trap you. They're cute and giggly messes and you feel all drawn to them, then they pee on you or pull your hair," You kept your attention on the screen and missed the way Yeosang's brows knitted together.

He remained tense even after the movie ended, you noticed his back muscles were taught when he slipped off his t-shirt. You walked over you him and wrapped your arms around his midsection, gently kissing his shoulders, "What's got you so tense?"

He visibly relaxed into your touch, releasing a sigh as he did, "Nothing major,"

You felt him play with your fingers, another nervous habit of his, "Sang, you're an awful liar,"

He chuckled, breaking free of your grasp and motioning towards the bed, "It really isn't a big deal," he slid under the covers on his side.

You turned out the lights and joined him, propping yourself up to look at him, "If it's not a big deal then you can tell me with no worries,"

He toyed with his lip between his teeth, his hand searching for yours in the darkness, "Well, you just don't really seem to want kids,"

You felt the slight tremor in his hand at his confession, "Kids mean a lot to you, don't they?" He nodded in silent agreement, "I think they're okay. I've never really thought of myself as 'motherly' I guess,"

Yeosang began laughing exasperatedly, "That's a joke right?" he sensed your confusion and squeezed your hand, "You've been looking after my dumbass friends for years; you've memorised Mingi's McDonalds order, you take Hongjoong on monthly spa trips, Seonghwa will only sit by you when we go on rollercoasters because you're the only person who comforts him, hell Wooyoung openly calls you mum for Pete's sake!" you could feel your cheeks burning at his list, barely even realising that you did half of those things.

Yeosang then propped himself up, his hand moved from holding yours to stroking your cheek, "You don't realise how adored you are because of your motherly nature. You might not have a small crying baby that pukes up on you and pokes you in the eye, but you sure do have seven overgrown babies who love you like you're their mum,"

"They do?" you could feel your cheeks hurting from how unknowingly hard you had been smiling.

He nodded his head, "They really do. But if you're not ready for kids or even if you don't want them then I'll be okay with it,"

If was your turn to crease your brow then, "But you said you wanted kids?"

"I do," he leaned in and kissed your forehead, "But I want to see you happy more. Kids don't make everyone happy, and that's perfectly valid,"

You blushed harder, "You're such a softie Sang,"

He hummed, nuzzling into the crook of your neck, causing you to giggle, "only for you, Princess,"


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