The new kid

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      Soon there will a chapter befour this with the main characters and what they look like so you have an idea, also Payton is the gendbend of Patton from Sanders Sides.

     "ROMAN!!! Can you belive it theres going to be a new Kid!!!" A happy go getter named Payton said.

    "Yes I know, what side do you think there going to be on?" Roman asked while popping the collar on his his football jacket.

    "Everyone I want you to be nice and kind to our new student Abella, she's a little different that all of you but she-" The teacher was cut off when a purple and black haired girl came in.
    "I'm sorry to interrupt you but im not a she, im a they." She said just above a whispered.

        "They look nice, im going up to introduce myself." Payton said getting up from her desk walking to the front of the class.

    The new kid was smaller than a normal freshman would be, they had a dark purple jacket with a black checked pattern over a light purple shirt, they had rippedjeans but if you look closely you could see they where purple instead of dark blue.

     "Pretty but Freaky" Roman though in his head.

        "Hi im Payton, Payton Heart!" She said hugging Abella.

      "H-hi, im Abella, and could you please not touch me?" Abella asked pulling her hood down further.

               "Oh sorry, come you can sit with me and my friend Roman." Payton explained pulling Abella over to the desk next to hers.

   "This is going to be a long day" Abella thought starting to doodle in her sketch book while plugging her headphones in.

Good morning and Good night Guys,Gals,And Non-Bianry Pals!!!

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