Lost "in the woods somewhere in NJ never gonna make it to LA"

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   Abella was walking home from Micheals a craft store when it started raining. She sighed setting the two bags down on the concrete by the Wine store and pulled out her phone and head phones.

    She plugged them in and went on YouTube, she searched Hollywood Ending songs, pressing a song she grabbed her bags and started walking to the abusive father that lays at home.



  About an hour later she ended up in a random neighborhood. Definitely not hers. SNAP! Abellas head turned quickly seeing a person in all black wearing a mask.

   "Wh-why are you wearing a ma-mask?" Abella asked slowly walking  backwards.

"I think many people will be wearing them in the feature." He said getting closer to her.(get it lol)

   Abella was scared,lost,and hopeless.

She started running so did the guy behind her. She could fight perfectly fine but it was dark and now pouring rain. House after house all fancy and rich, nothing like her life. She lived in a small house by the woods, didn't have much money and when she had any extra she'd use it to by art supplies.

   Her mother and father got divorced when she was 4, Her mother left her when she was 8 for the military which ment she had to live with her father. When she cought her dad abusing her on camera she sent that to her mom, by doing that her father went court, lying his way through he just lost his wealth.

    Abella stoped to catch her breath but that was a mistake. She stood in front of a two story light blue house pretty small but really nice, the lights were still on unlike every other house in the neighborhood. She was debating to knock or keep running.

    Thinking took to long and the guy grabbed he around the wast a hand around her mouth. Panic filled her body. Anxiety quickly filling her body. She tried screaming but her voice was mumbled by the guy.

   A quick thought went through her head so she did it, biting him took his hand away from her mouth making it abel to call for help. She screamed and screamed.

  "Shut it doll~"He said softly stabbing Abella with something.

      A guy about 15 walked out holding something. With one hit the guy was knocked unconscious and so was Abella. The 15 year old picked her up carrying her inside his house along with her bags.  

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