A bear appears next to Ritchie a tag saying its his.
Ritchie: "Parnets bing e here. I no dea whewe tha at."(Parents bring me here. I no idea where they at)
Chadd: "How about you come with me buddy and we could get you checked out."
Ritchie: "They no ike hewos. Are u hewo is so, eave for they come bact."(They don't like heros. Are you a hero if so, leave before they come back)
Chadd: "No I'm not a hero, I'm Chadd. How about you tell me your name and we talk, then we can go."
Ritchie: "Am Witchie. Guss can du, but Mowthr an Fawre ill get mad and hurt us."(Am Ritchie. Guess can do, but Mother and Father will get mad and hurt us.)
Chadd: "It'll be ok. I'm strong*makes mussels pop out* and I can take it. Ritchie is a wonderful name.*mind* so this is were he's been. I wonder what happened, no ot doesn't matter I have to get him out of here first."
They talked for half an hour before Ritchie fell asleep. Even as a kid he was weary of Chadd. Chadd managed to get them away before the parents returned to the house unconscious.