Reminiscence: Ashfur x Reader

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Written By: AnimalisL_ver & meggycat2

Picture Artist: ClimbToTheStars on DeviantArt

Reminiscence - noun: a story told about past events, remembered by the narrator.

Warning: A few bloodier scenes than usual.


(Y/F/P) - Your Favorite (piece of) Prey

(Y/F/F) - Your Favorite Flower (if you don't have one, then it's your favorite scent to smell.)

(Y/F/L) - Your Fur Length

(Y/F/T) - Your Fur Texture (silky, fluffy, sleek, etc.)

(Y/F/C) - Your Fur Colour

"We've made so many memories together, whether happy or sad. I've spent a regrettable part of my life chasing after someone who would never return my feelings. It's humbling and sad that I only discovered my true feelings for you after... After you died. You were always by my side, and I never noticed. After you were gone, I needed you more than ever and I knew I had taken you for granted. I'm sorry. I truly love you. Will you be my mate?" Ashfur whispered, looking down. He timidly shifted his feet, still nervous, although it was certain what the answer would be.

You first met, snuggled nice and tight to your mother, mewling softly. The moment came, and you had weakly blinked open your eyes, your beautiful (Y/E/C) met his dark blue eyes. Startled, you looked to the side, where another pair of eyes were staring intently at you. The she-kit's pale green eyes beckoned you to the entrance of the nursery, where her brother was already sitting patiently, waiting.

It seemed as though the two kits were awaiting you, (your siblings if you have any). You attempted to stand, but stumbled forward. Barreling toward the opening, the blue-eyed tom caught you with his shoulder. You grinned sheepishly at him, and he grinned back.

This was the start of a lifelong friendship. Soon enough, a fluffy white kit joined your little clique. Your kit days were filled with mischievous memories, and you were happily content.

Days passed, then three became apprentices. Your mentors promised to teach you everything they knew, until you joined them. Long afternoons were spent training in the practice clearing with your best friends. Sometimes you got a scratch here and there, and while you brushed it off, Ashpaw made sure to look after you.

Only a few moons had passed in this blissful life, when the threat of Bloodclan had arisen.


A black-and-brown furred tom snarled as he pinned you to the ground, his merciless eyes making contact with yours. He raised his unsheathed paw, ready to deal the final blow when a dark gray blur knocked him aside. Seizing the chance, you sprang back to your feet, ignoring the bruises that would form where he had held you. Immediately recovering, you followed your friend, who was struggling to dodge the other cat's claws.

Leaping forward, your claw snagged at the tom's ear, and as he turned to see who had dealt it, Ashpaw quickly turned the tide, aiming for his soft, white underbelly. Realizing his mistake, the large rogue turned back, and Ashpaw's hits pummeled the tom's chest. Remembering the long days of training spent at the hollow, you agilely jumped onto the larger cat's head, biting anywhere you could reach.

Agonized, he tried to buck you off, but you held your place firmly. Ashpaw quickly raked his claws at the enemy's chest, standing up on his hind legs to reach even a fraction of the evil tom's height.

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