Adoration: Mother!Mapleshade x Child!Reader

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Requested By: N/A

Written By: AnimalisL_ver & meggycat2

Picture Artist: Angelpaw33 on DeviantArt

Adoration - noun: Deep love and respect

Warning(s): Brief mentions of the euthanization of an animal and a near-death by drowning situation.


[.:.                            .:.] indicate a flashback 

F/C - Favorite Colour

Y/KP/N) - Your Kittypet Name


You slipped through the hole in the fence, your fur tingling with excitement and adrenaline. You were finally escaping.

You had always hated your twolegs, even though they had treated you fair enough. The last straw was when Ollie had passed. He was like a father figure to you. You blinked back tears at the thought of him. 

'No! Nope! Don't you dare go there-' you thought desperately to yourself, but it was too late, as the memory had already started flooding your senses.


[.:. The twolegs had invited a stranger into the den, and you had watched with curiosity. It had bent down to pet your head, and you quickly retreated. The strange twoleg then called for Ollie to come. When he didn't respond, you bounded back to watch in horror as the new twoleg grabbed Ollie by the scruff and exposed his vulnerable belly.

You started screeching, and tried to protect him. But one of your twolegs had grabbed you and locked you in your cage, despite your best efforts.

The strange twoleg then brought out a reflective, see-through object, filled with something like water. You watched as it stuck the thin, sharp, stick-like object into Ollie's hindleg. You knew something bad had just happened, and tried to claw your way out, snapping a few of your claws.

Ollie had taken a last look at you, giving you a weak smile from where he hung, before his chest heaved one last time. You watched from your metal cage, helpless, blood dripping from your paws.

You had destroyed as much as you could in your grief. Although the tom was getting old, and had the occasional stomach cramps, he shouldn't have died so early.

After looking back on that moment, and the death stick, you realized that they could have killed you just as easily. This brought a flood of more questions... all without answers. But internally, you knew that the true solution was inevitable. You had started planning your escape. .:.]


'I can't stop now,' you urged yourself forward, racing into the forest. You could hear your twoleg's cries in the distance, and snapping sounds as they pushed the bush aside, and found the cleanly made hole in their fence.

You thought of the life you were leaving behind, and was grateful of the hunting and fighting techniques that Ollie had taught you when he was young. You grumbled and refused when he forced you to train, and he would always say, 'You will never know when it will come in handy.'

You kept running, as the sounds of your twolegs became faint. Now you were deep into the forest behind your territory. The tall trees loomed over you, shadows covering most of the ground. A soft whistle of wind passed by your ears, and all was silent.

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