Chapter One

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I had just arrived at my new school and I really had no idea where to go. All I got was a classroom number, but it really wasn't helpful because none of the doors were labeled. I wandered around like a headless chicken for a while until I bumped into someone.

"OH, I'm so sorry" I helped the girl up and she smiled at me.

"No it's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going... Are you new? I haven't seen your face before" I was taken back for a second by her beauty before I answered her question.

"Yes! I'm L/N Y/N nice to meet you" I stuck my hand out and she shook it.

"Nice to meet you too! My name is Minatozaki Sana"

"Umm do you think you could help me? I'm looking for classroom 2F" I showed her my class sheet and she smiled.

"We have the same class! Just follow me Y/N!" She took my hand guided me to our classroom. The entire class including the teacher looked at us.

"Sana you're late" The teacher said with a raised eye brow.

"Sorry! I was helping the new student find our class" She replied bowing at the teacher.

"Ah yes. You're the new student right?" He looked at me and I nodded.

"Good! please Introduce yourself" I turned towards the rest of class and I felt my nerves get the better of me.

"H-Hey... My name... Uh is umm... Y/N... Yea" I hated speaking in front of crowds. My anxiety goes through the roof when I do.

"Ok since you already seem to be acquainted with Sana you two can be seat mates" We nodded and went to the back row where there was two empty seats. Sana leaned over and looked at me.

"You did good" She whispered to me and I smiled back at her.

"Thanks, I get really bad anxiety when I speak in front of crowds" She nodded as she gave me a understanding look. The school day went by pretty quickly especially with Sana by my side. She seemed like a pretty popular girl since she spoke to everyone while I just stood there and watched with a sheepish smile on my face. We left the school building and Sana stopped and looked at me.

"Hey do you want to come over to my place? We can watch a movie or something"

"Of course! It's the least I can do for someone who made my first day of school so great" We both smiled at each other and she took me to her house. It looked like a pretty small house from what I could see from the outside. She opened the door and insides were... not in the best condition the paint on the walls were either cracked or falling off. the furniture looked like it was scavenged from a nearby dumpster and the lighting was completely terrible.

"Sorry about the mess. I never have guests over so I haven't cleaned" She looked ashamed.

"It's fine haha I don't judge" I was lying really hard. I was judging the hell outta her house as we spoke.

"Thanks... The TV is in my room" She pointed at a run down door. We both went inside her room and there was a big box tv standing on a table in front of the bed.

"Sit down y/n I find us some movies" I did as she said and I sat down. I watched as she started digging for movies. a couple of minutes later she came over with a bunch of VHS tapes.

"VHS? I haven't seen that since I was a little kid"

"Yea... I know, but people give them away for free nowadays so I got a lot" She explained as we browsed through the movie selection. We settled on the movie Forest Gump since neither of us had watched it. Sana cried everytime something sad happened in the movie and by default my arm turned into her personal tissue paper. My pocket vibrated and I took out my phone.

"Hey mom" 

"Hi y/n where are you dinner is almost ready"

"Oh I'm at my new friends house. I can come home now if you want me too"

"Yes please, I don't want you out after dark"

"Ok... See you soon" I hung up the phone call and I looked over at Sana.

"Sorry Sana, but my mom wants me to come home" She gave me a sad expression.

"Ok, Sorry that my home wasn't what you expected" She put her head down. I put my hand on her chin lifted her head up.

"Hey it's fine! Like I said I don't judge anyways I have to go home now, But we can hang out more tomorrow" Her sad expression changed to a smile.

"Thanks... sorry about you shirt haha" She wiped my sleeve off with her hand.

"It's fine haha, Anyways see you tomorrow!" We both got out the bed and headed to the front door.

"Yea! See you tomorrow!" We waved each other goodbye as I headed home.

"Mental note to self, Next time we go to my house" I mumbled to myself as I walked home.


A/N: This is my first ever chapter I've ever written in my life!!!! Hope it wasn't too bad. I'll try to update it, but I'm a lazy person.

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