Chapter Two

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I was on my way to school when I bumped into a familiar face. 

"Oh my I'm so sorry Sana!" I helped her off the ground and she smiled at me.

"I'm starting to think you're bumping into me on purpose hahaha" She brushed off her pants with her hoodie sleeves and I shook my head.

"Oh no! I just zone out a lot when I walk, so I don't really pay attention sorry" I rubbed the back of my head as I let out a small nervous laughter. She stuck her hand out and looked me in the eyes.

"Let's go to school! Or we'll be late again" I smiled and nodded as I took her little soft hand. We walked to school and the students looked at us as we headed to our class room.

"Is Sana dating the new guy?"

"Are they together?"

"Why would one of the most popular girls date a nobody like him?"

"That loser doesn't deserve to be holding Sana's hand"

I think Sana noticed that their mean words bothered me. I felt her grip on my hand tighten as she gave me a concerned look.

"Ignore them... they're just jealous" She said as we went into the classroom and found our seats. Class was pretty uneventful and it was time for lunch. We went into the cafeteria and found ourselves a secluded seat. I took out my lunch from my backpack while Sana just sat there and watched.

"Aren't you going to eat?" She lightly shook her head. I opened my lunchbox and I took out one of the sandwiches my mom hand made for me.

"Here eat this, it's not good to have an empty stomach" Her face lit up as she took the sandwich out my hand.

"Thank you y/n! You're the best friend I could ever ask for" I smiled at her, but I felt strange on the inside. I just got friendzoned by Sana and I didn't like it at all, but I had to push through it's better to be a best friend then not be her friend at all right?... Lunch finished and we went back to class. Absolutely nothing interesting happened at all which made the school day really difficult to get through. Minutes felt like hours and I wasn't even remotely interested in the subjects either. After what felt like days school was finally over.

"Hey Sana" She glanced over at me and gave me a curious look.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come over to my pla-..." I got cut off by some guy I had never seen before.

"Sana! Let's go to the movies, I two tickets and my car is parked right there" She smiled wide at the guy standing in front of her.

"Of course! I'd love to watch a movie with you Jungkook! Sorry y/n maybe some other time" She took off with that Jungkook guy and I just stood there like a idiot. I watched as she got in the car and they took off driving. 

"Guess she has a crush on that dude..." I sighed and walked home. Once I got home I didn't hesitate to go to my room. Do I like her?... I mean I've only known her for two days, but she just seems so comfortable around me. And she always cheers me up when I feel down. I don't even know. Should I be supportive accept that she wants to be with that Jungkook dude, or do I try to make a move myself.

"Ugh... why must this be so difficult... Maybe I should just get some new friends to get my mind off her..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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