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          All I could hear was the sound of his huffing breaths. Oh, my sweet sweet autotune man. I gasped as his masked face pushed itself into my shoulder- mask being pushed up so he could relentlessly suck at my skin. It almost stung, but... I wasn't exactly complaining.
          "God- Anon- Please- Don't tease me-" Anon pushed himself up to look at me, head tilted slightly, mask disheveled. The mere sight of him caused my thighs to twitch slightly.
          "You're such a fucking..." He growled, a snide smile on his face. I shivered, waiting for him to finish his sentence. What was he about to call me? I bet it's gonna be so hot-

          " S i m p . "
          I startled awake with a jolt, my spine covered in cold sweat. Looking over to my phone, which I hadn't plugged in, I was almost relieved to see that Anon had hung up on me at some point in the night.
          After all, lord knows if I happened to be vocal in my sleep. I fell back against my bed, picking up my phone and checking our texts.

          'Sorry for hanging up. I had to go take care of a few things. Hope you slept well, you sounded pretty out of it so I didn't think it'd be a big deal to drop the call.'
          I smiled softly, honestly not surprised by his hospitality anymore. Anon was sweet and punctual, when he wasn't busy teasing me into oblivion. Which, he only got away with it because he was smarter than me. Anonymous was a fucking genius, and I didn't think I stood much of a chance trying to outsmart him.

         But finally, I texted back.
          'Thanks for sticking with me last night. I slept great :)' I wondered if the smiley face had the same affect on him as it always had on me.
          Getting up, I wandered off to my kitchen, leaving my phone plugged in at my bedside table. But my dream stuck in my mind like peanut butter to the roof of my mouth. The word simp was unremovable- like toffee in my teeth. Fuck, dream Anon was totally right. I'm simping.
          I rolled my eyes at myself. I felt like a child, thinking about him this way. He was a hacker! For all I know, he doesn't even care about me, he just wants someone to mess with!
          ... More childish thoughts. So, to displace them, I began cleaning my house. Not a deep clean, but simply organizing little things until it was time to leave for work.
          There was no text back.

          Once I'd gotten to work- I did the usual. Clocked in, tied on my apron, and began cleaning tables up just to be sure they were ready for the late morning customers. But that was when our cook, Harry (Short for Harrison, he hates his full name), stopped me and pulled me aside.
          "Hey, do you have a boyfriend or something? A giiiirlfriend, maybe?" He queried, suddenly seeming very curious of my relationship status.
          "Harry, I'm not going to date you, if that's what you're asking." I shot back flatly, figuring I'd nip it on the bud before things got worse.
          "What? Ew, no. Somebody left a package at our back door with your name on it. I didn't open it because... Uh, what if it's a human heart or something? I've heard murderers do that for their admirers sometimes-" Suddenly, I remembered that Anon had said he had something to take care of last night. Did he...?
          "I doubt it's a human heart. Where'd you put it though? So I can make sure it's not a human heart." He nodded towards the back. "By your bag, in the break room slash broom closet."
          With a nod, I set off to find my surprise package. It was just an average brown box- with my name scrawled on it in a mix of print and cursive. Kind of cute handwriting, if you ask me.
          When I opened it up, there was a soft, fabric thing inside. I lifted it to see what it was- and it was a (sweater/hoodie/whatever jacket type thing you like to wear). a sticky note fell off of it.
          Last time I saw you I noticed your (sweater/hoodie/whatever dee fuque) looked pretty worn out. When I saw this one, it reminded me of you. Soft and cute.                               signed, A
p.s. I held onto it for a few days so I could wash it and all. Hope you don't mind scented detergent.

          A for Anonymous.
          I smiled softly, rolling my eyes. However at his postscript, I cocked a brow, bringing the fabric to my nose to smell it. It smelled like fresh linens and some sort of cologne I couldn't quite identify.
          ... I wasn't complaining at all.
          'Thank you, Anon <33'

MASK STAYS ON :: anonymous x readerWhere stories live. Discover now